Christmas – the Festival of the Nativity – is when Christians celebrate with joy and wonder that God entered our human story. Jesus came to us as a child in a stable, and Jesus will come to us again when he makes all things new!

Deck the Halls
Stick around following worship on Sunday, December 22, as we deck the halls for Christmas! We’ll put up all the decorations that make the holiday so beautiful. We’re also planning a bit of food, so please let us know if you’re thinking of joining us.

Christmas Service Times
We’re offering several different Christmas Eve worship experiences this year – and don’t forget to come to church Sunday morning, December 24… it’s both the Fourth Sunday of Advent and (later that night) Christmas Eve!
Blue Christmas/Longest Night
December 18 at 7:00 pm
A new, quiet service for those working through grief, loss, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and other unmerry experiences. Join us for a peaceful, healing service with fellowship and refreshments to follow.
Family Friendly Christmas Eve
December 24 at 4:00 pm
An early service with some family-friendly features:
- An earlier time to get everyone tucked in at home by bedtime.
- LED candles are available so everyone can let their light shine during Silent Night without worrying about wax and flames.
- Our Prayground is available in the sanctuary for little ones who need some space to stretch their legs or some quiet toys to help channel their Christmas energy.
- Familiar Christmas songs will catch the kids’ ears.
- The Christmas story will be shared in a way that engages young and old alike.
- Holy Communion.
Stick around for goodies and friendship following the service!
Traditional Christmas Eve
December 24 at 7:30 pm
A tried-and-true favorite:
- A later start time so you don’t have to rush Christmas dinner.
- Lots of festive music featuring all of The Good Shepherd’s talented musicians.
- As many of your favorite Christmas carols as we can fit into one service.
- Holy Communion.
Christmas 24/7/365
You can enjoy our fully produced Christmas special from 2020 any time on YouTube! Featuring inspiring music and beautiful visuals, this service is one of the blessings God gave us in the midst of that difficult pandemic winter.