
Service Committee Notes

Thank you to everyone who donated items for our Harvest Sunday. We were able to donate about 10 bags of non-perishable food items to the Crossroads Food Pantry and the Garden City Food Pantry.

If you find yourself in need of food, contact Garden City Food Pantry (412-373-0391) or Cross Roads Food Pantry (412-372-2311).

The Angel Tree has been set up in the narthex. Names are available! Please sign for the angel you have selected. Please return wrapped and labeled gift/s to the church on or before December 10. (Name and angel # should be on each gift.) If you would like to help but are not able to shop, we will accept monetary donations, cash or checks payable to Good Shepherd with Angel Tree Gifts written in the memo. Harry M. will deliver the gifts the week of December 10.

We are now collecting items for our homebound members. There are six members on our list this year. We appreciate any donations such as tissues, travel size lotion, hand sanitizer, pudding, fruit, and jello cups, individually wrapped breakfast bars, snack cakes and cookies, and activity books such as word searches, crossword puzzles or coloring books. A collection box is in the narthex. Donations will be accepted through December 17. Our goal is to have the gifts delivered before Christmas!

We will also accept and appreciate holiday or greeting card donations. We include a card from the church at Christmas and Easter and also send cards out during the year.

Deck the Halls is scheduled for Sunday, December 17 from 12 pm to 1:30 pm. A light luncheon will be served if there is enough interest. Please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex or call the church office if you are interested in staying for lunch.

Thank you again for your participation in all of our missions this year!