
VBS 2022

The GSLC has decided on Rainforest Explorers for VBS 2022!

We have scheduled Rainforest Explorers VBS FOUR evenings!

July 21st & 28th and August 4th & 11th from 6-8pm!

Click on this link for registration….

At Rainforest Explorers, every lesson connects to Jesus. Share God’s amazing guidance for our lives through five Bible lessons.

We hope you will join us this summer!!!


Advent Wreath Kits

Pick up your FREE Advent Wreath Kit in Fellowship Hall-one per household- available beginning Sunday, November 28th.

Advent is a very special season in the church year. It is a time of preparation and anticipation for the coming of Christ both in the past in His incarnation as the baby Jesus, but also in the future with His promised second coming as Christ Triumphant. Furthermore, Advent is a time to focus on His present coming to us in the Word and Sacraments.

The Advent Kit included here will provide you with a way to experience this beautiful season of light in your own home. The ritual of lighting a new candle each week and sharing God’s word of promise and hope in our Savior, Jesus Christ, may make the darker days seem brighter!

The Advent Kit includes 4 Candles, Instructions for Creating your own Wreath and Liturgy to use each week when lighting your candle(s). Please send a photo so we can share your creation with others!


Time to Order Poinsettias

Yes, It is time to order poinsettias for Christmas! Order forms are available in the narthex and in the church office. All orders must be turned in by Sunday, December 5, 2021. Orders with payments can be put in the offering plate, mailbox, or dropped off in the office. We have narrowed down the choice this year to red or white poinsettias, 8 inch, 3 stem for $16. Please call the church office, 412-372-2934, if you need access to the building to get an order form. This tradition is always a beautiful addition to the sanctuary.


Living Lutheran Magazine

Have you missed reading your copy of Living Lutheran, the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)? Well, miss no more! There are copies of Living Lutheran dating back to March of 2020 available in the narthex. Just call the church office to make sure the secretary is in or just let yourself in! Copies can be found on the bookshelf under the coat rack. Please help yourself!!


Service Committee Notes

Angel Tree– We anticipate receiving 25 names for the Angel Tree within the next few weeks. If you take a child’s name, remember to sign the sheet that corresponds with the number on the bell. Gifts are due back to the church by December 10. If you are purchasing a gift card, Pastor John suggested Target gift cards. If you would like to help but don’t want to go shopping, you can make a donation and we will do the shopping for you. Put your donation in a green envelope labeled “Service Committee/Angel Tree”. Unused donations will be put toward the men’s shelter for their “needs” list which includes essentials like socks, underwear, personal hygiene supplies, etc.

Harvest Sunday-Harvest Sunday will look a little different this year. We will collect food items, cleaning supplies, baby food, diapers, wipes and formula. Since the Good Shepherd Food Pantry is well stocked (thanks to Donna and the synod grant), we will take items that we need and donate the rest to the local food banks. Food collection is always on-going but this special collection will run from November 14-December 12.

Homebound Member Gift Bags-We plan to make small gift bags for our homebound members, but please remember them and send a card as the holidays approach, even if it is just some of the people you have not seen at church for a while.


Basket Raffle Donations

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is hosting a Food Truck Event and Basket Raffle on Saturday, July 24, 2021. If you would like to donate a basket for the raffle, baskets should be at the church by noon on July 18. The committee will package the baskets since we want to list what is included in the basket. We will also accept monetary donations to purchase items for baskets. If you have questions, please call Mary at 413-559-3756.


Food Truck Event/ Basket Raffle

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is hosting a Food Truck Event and Basket Raffle to be raise funds to help build sustainable housing in Haiti and to help feed the poor. Baskets in the raffle will include lottery tickets, kid’s theme, Steeler tickets and more! The event will take place on Saturday, July 24 from 3pm to 7pm. Any member willing to donate a basket to raffle worth $35 to $50, please contact Diane Rossetti. Baskets should be at the church by noon on July 18. The committee will package the baskets since we want to list what is included in the basket. We will also accept monetary donations to purchase items for baskets. If you have questions call Mary at 413-559-3756.


Ongoing Medical Equipment Collection

As a result of the great response we had with our last collection of new and used medical equipment and new supplies, our collection will continue. Spread the word to family and friends that we are a collection site, please! Once we have collected enough items, Brother’s Brother Foundation will be scheduled for a pick-up. Please call the church office at 412-372-2934 to schedule a time for drop-off. And please keep in mind, a small collection of items is kept at the church for use: wheel chairs, walkers, canes. Thank you for keeping this mission alive!


Spring Begins March 20

The “official” start of spring, regardless of what the weather is doing outside, is Saturday, March 20th. Spring is about 92 days long! The Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a stormy, mild and wet spring for the Pittsburgh area.


Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time 2021 begins at 2 am on the second Sunday in March, March 14. That means that sometime on Saturday evening our clocks should be set FORWARD one hour. Yes, that also means that we actually lose one hour of sleep! But, we are better able to take advantage of the sun’s natural light and get out and do more in the evenings. As warm weather arrives, wouldn’t it be nice to have more time to enjoy the evening? Let’s hope the weather cooperates!

Try some of these easy ways to help your body adjust to the time change:

  1. Let sunlight into your room as soon as you wake up.
  2. Don’t drink caffeine after lunch time.
  3. Exercise in the morning, afternoon or early evening and not close to bedtime.
  4. Dim the lights in your house an hour before bedtime and make your bedroom as dark as you can.
  5. Take a bath before bed and add some lavender essential oil.
  6. Some herbal teas are known to help relax and destress. Try Lavender, Hops, Catnip, Lemon Balm or Chamomile, but, make sure it is okay with your doctor first!
  7. Go to bed 15 to 30 minutes earlier during the week before the time change. If you can’t do that, make sure you don’t miss any sleep that week and get to bed on time!

Hopefully some of these tips will help you ease into the Spring Forward time change!