
Deck the Halls!

As part of our Good Shepherd holiday tradition, we will again be hosting a “Deck the Halls” event to adorn the sanctuary in preparation for Christmas!  The event will be held on Sunday, December 22nd immediately following the Worship Service.  Lunch will also be provided.  Please join us as we celebrate the joy of this Advent and Christmas season, beautifying the church and spending time in fellowship together.  A sign-up sheet is available in the narthex or you may contact the church office to signup!

Come, Lord Jesus, Come!


Angel Tree Gifts

Once again, the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Service Committee is sponsoring an Angel Tree Gift drive. Please consider helping to make Christmas a little more special for children in our community who are in need. Angels with the names and wishes for local children are available in the narthex. Sign up and bring joy to someone in need this Christmas season. Gifts are to be brought to the church on or before Sunday, December 8th! Thank you


Harvest/Stewardship Sunday Luncheon

Where: Fellowship Hall

When: Sunday, October 13, 2024

Please join us for food and fellowship on the 13th following worship to give thanks to God for all the blessings he has given us and to share back with our community through donations to the local food banks.  Our congregation has been so very generous in giving to the food banks and our GSLC food pantry.  For this event, we are encouraging monetary donations that we will share with the local food banks (as opposed to collecting food items) so that they may purchase what is most needed at this time.  Cash/checks should be placed in a green envelope marked “Food Bank”.

Your Congregation Council will be providing lunch!  Please come and break bread together on this special Sunday!  A sign-up sheet is available in the Narthex.  Sign-ups may also be made through the church office.


God’s Work Our Hands at Sunday School

In conjunction with the GWOH event held on September 8th, the children in our Sunday School program did two service projects in support of our church family.  The result of the first of these projects are the uniquely beautiful and creative cards shown here whose destination will be for members and friends of our congregation who may be unable to attend worship due to illness, injury or other situations.  The children provided their own brand of artwork to let those of our members and friends that we love them, miss them and wish them well.  Each card has a message from us to them so they know they are not forgotten!

The second project was to prepare a “care package” for one of our members who is in the military and is preparing to be deployed to Alaska!  The children and their families donated snacks, warm clothing and gift cards to let him know we are missing him and wishing him well in his next adventure.  We also thank him for his service on behalf of our congregation and our country! 


God’s Work. Our Hands!

Please join us in our annual God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday on September 8, 2024 immediately following worship. We will be joining with Lutherans throughout the US in celebrating who we are as the ELCA – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor! We will be having service events for all ages and everyone is invited! A light lunch will be provided so please sign-up so we know how many to expect.

For our adults, we will be collecting and packing health and wellness kits. Items requested for donation are found below. Cash/checks would also be welcomed to purchase items for the kits.

For our younger members, we will be preparing greeting cards for some of our members who have been unable to attend worship and events in person.

Please sign up and join us for this opportunity for service and fellowship! A sign-up sheet is located in the narthex or you can call the church office. Specific items requested for donations below.  Cash donations are also welcomed! 

Specific Items RequestedSizeQuantity needed
Hand Sanitizer bottles2 oz.200
Dial Soap bars4 oz.100
Wet wipes (unscented)42 ct. pkg75
Wet Ones Travel Pack20 ct.75


We Want to Hear from You! Please Join our Focus Group Meetings

As we have been announcing the last several Sundays, we are beginning a series of focus group meetings for all members of the Good Shepherd. As was shared in the congregation informational meeting on Sunday, June 9th, we are blessed with opportunities to shape the future of our congregation and address the continuing financial challenges we face.  Your Council would like to get more of your input on the path forward.  The focus group meetings will be held on:

  • Sunday, June 16th at noon in the Luther Room
  • Sunday, June 23rd at 9:00 am New Time: Noon in the Luther Room
  • Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00 pm via Zoom
  • Sunday, June 30th at noon in the Luther Room

Light refreshments will be provided for the in-person meetings.  You only need to attend one of the meetings.  We would appreciate it if you could sign-up so we know how many people on which to plan.  Sign-up is available at the church in the narthex or by contacting the church office. 

If you were unable to participate in the informational meeting on Sunday, June 9th, no problem!  More detailed information will be provided at the focus group meetings.


Worship in the Garth

June 9, 2024

Join us for “Worship in the Garth” on Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 am.  Chairs will be provided either outside in the garden or inside in the adjacent Library.  The worship service will include Holy Communion.

Please come and experience hope, spiritual growth, worship, and fellowship amidst God’s beautiful creation.


Easter Flower Orders

As the Lenten season progresses, we live in anticipation of the resurrection of our Lord and the beauty of His glory. Our worship space will be made ever so beautiful with the display of daffodils, tulips, lilies, and other spring flowers. If you are interested in ordering flowers in celebration or in memory of someone, please complete the order form on or before Sunday, March 10th. If you are unable to pick up an order form, please call the church office to place your order.


Bible Study Group Opportunities

We are excited to be launching a new Bible Study group beginning in April 9th at 6:00 pm. The group will be meeting in person every Tuesday to glorify God, share in His word and to enjoy fellowship together.

Our Sunday morning Bible Study group is also open to new members. The group meets in person on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 9:00 am. They are currently exploring the writings of C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity. It is in excellent opportunity to join the group and engage in thoughtful discussions!

If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please contact Donna in the church office, Pastor Bob or Leigh Pogue to sign up.


Congregational Meeting Update

The Good Shepherd Council invited all members of the congregation to attend an informational meeting on Sunday, December 10th to provide an update on the previously announced sale of a portion of the property and a status of the church’s financials.  The following message is a summary of the content of that meeting.

Council President, Carrie Pugliano, welcomed everyone to the meeting and reviewed the following points.

Update on the Sale of a Parcel of the Property

  • In November 2022, the Council came to the congregation to seek approval to sell a parcel of the church property totaling .88 acres to the north end. 
  • The contract for intent to sell the property was signed between Good Shepherd and the buyer in February 2023 and the buyer’s due diligence process began and was intended to last until early June 2023.  (120 days). 
  • The buyer requested and was granted two additional 60-day extensions to complete the necessary due diligence and obtain necessary approvals from Monroeville Planning Commission and the Monroeville Council.  A final extension was then requested and an additional 90-day extension was approved.
  • All approvals from the municipality of Monroeville were received during November 2023 which was the last hurdle needed before obtaining necessary signatures and setting a closing date.
  • Currently we are awaiting final signatures on the property documents from the buyer, the Monroeville Mayor and the Monroeville Council President.  We are also seeking a date to schedule the closing with the buyer.  It is believed that a closing must be concluded before the end of January 2024.
  • The Good Shepherd Council has identified an Investment Committee to investigate options for ensuring that the funds received from the sale can be put to the most optimal use for our ministry and our future.

Financial Position of the Good Shepherd

Carrie updated the congregation on the current state of the church’s financials.

  • Cash position – At the end of November 2023, there was approximately $16,000 remaining in the bank.  That represented all the funds remaining in the church’s accounts. 
  • In the event that the aforementioned property deal doesn’t close by the end of December, the church would be out of cash with insufficient funds to cover normal operational expenses.
  • A few members of the congregation have offered zero-interest loans to bridge the financial gap until the property deal closes.  We have agreed to accept two of those interest-free loans for $10,000 each.  These loans will be paid back as soon as the property deal closes and the sales money is received.

Question: How long will the money from this property sale last?

Carrie stated that the intent was to invest a large portion of the proceeds to provide an endowment for the longer-term stability of the church.  Given that, and assuming the same rate of giving and expenses as today, the proceeds of the sale would last approximately 4 years.  It is important to note, however, some of the proceeds would need to go to necessary repairs in the current church building which will shorten that time frame.

A few other points on near-term cash – We are receiving lease revenue from both Golden Triangle and C.A.R.E.S.

  • Golden Triangle is leasing the property they are currently utilizing for the Route 22 construction project.  
  • C.A.R.E.S. is still renting space here in the main church building to work with individuals with physical and mental difficulties.  The work they do here supports their own growth and development as well as to do good for the community.

The 2024 Budget proposal will be presented at the Annual Congregation Meeting to be held on January 28, 2024. 

Question: Would it be wise to ask people to consider their 2024 donations to the church and to do what they can to move them forward in the year to help the cash situation especially in January and February.

Carrie responded that it would be very good if people could manage to do that.

Other Property-related Information

Carrie updated the congregation on the state of the other church property listings form the Centennial Plan.

  • No other offers have been received for the remaining portions of the property that were listed as available and for sale. 
  • There have been other offers, however, for the property including the land on which the church sits. The Council is beginning to seriously look at those opportunities for the long-term viability of the congregation.
  • We have nothing definitive at this point but options that would be considered would include building a new church, or buying or renting an existing building.  The proceeds from the sale that is currently being finalized will give the breathing room needed to consider all of those options.

Question: Is it still an option to merge with another church?

Carrie answered, yes, that would also be an option and on the list of things will need to be evaluated.

Future communications to the congregation

Carrie thanked the congregation for their patience and understanding as we continue to bring this property deal to closure.  She committed on behalf of the Council that there will be more regular updates to the congregation on the status of activities affecting the church and the property.  The Council is committed to communications with the congregation at least every 6 months.  She said that we won’t wait until 6 months if there is information to share.  For example, once we have a closing date with the current buyer for the north parcel, we will communicate as soon as is practical.

Question: How we are progressing on getting new members into the church?

Carrie led the response by commenting on the current experience of declining membership within most churches in our area -highlighting the consolidation of local parishes within the Catholic Church. 

Pastor Bob addressed the question by sharing some interesting statistics found in a recent survey regarding what churchgoers have indicated was the main reason they selected a particular church. The largest response by a significant amount was “being invited by a relative or friend”.   Over 70% of the respondents indicated that was their reasoning for choosing a church.  The most common reasons that come to mind like, “Sunday School”, “needed something from the church”, “liked the pastor” or “just walked in” had ratings of 8% or less.  Pastor encouraged the congregation to recognize the role that each of us play in growing the congregation.

Question: Can you share information on current trends in attendance here at the church?

Pastor Bob explained that unlike most churches in our denomination and in our area, our weekly worship attendance has actually been growing since 2021 by a rate of 10-20%/year.  That translates to about 5-6 people per year and while that is very modest growth, it’s a major shift in our trend.  Prior to 2021, we had been declining about 12 people per year since 2005. Not only have we staved off the decline but we’re actually growing.  And this is not happening in other churches.  So, something good has been happening in our congregation and we want to see it continue.

Question: How many are attending on You Tube?

Pastor Bob responded that the You Tube attendance has remained fairly steady of late with anywhere from 5-15 households connecting.  This is a conservative count as it only counts those who are watching live as opposed to those who may watch later at another time.  The on-line attendance has been favorable but does not account for the overall upward trend.

As there were no other questions, Carrie closed the meeting with a few reminders:

  • Please continue to give – It is very important that people still give to the church.  The pending property deal closing will be great for the financial situation but should not replace the ongoing giving of our members.  The proceeds will go quickly if we continue to carry heavy deficits between giving and expenses.
  • Financial Reports along with reports from Council and Committees are available for anyone to pick up on the rack in the hallway by the office.  Information re: the Council meetings and financials are updated monthly.
  • The Annual Congregation Meeting would be held on Sunday, January 28, 2024. 

The meeting adjourned.