
Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball Game

Please join us on Sunday August 25, at 1:35 pm to watch the Pirates take on the Cincinnati Reds at PNC Park. It’s also Kid’s Day! A block of seats has been reserved in the lower level, section 103 (under cover). Tickets are $31 each, which includes $10 for concessions. If interested, turn in the form and money by July 15th to the church office or Laura Mauser. We will try to arrange carpooling again this year.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of June 30

This week we are praying for:

Anthony P.

Kerri B.



Jennifer T.

Sandy R.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of June 23, 2024

This week we are praying for:


Kerri B.

Rosalind L.

Sandy R.


We Want to Hear from You! Please Join our Focus Group Meetings

As we have been announcing the last several Sundays, we are beginning a series of focus group meetings for all members of the Good Shepherd. As was shared in the congregation informational meeting on Sunday, June 9th, we are blessed with opportunities to shape the future of our congregation and address the continuing financial challenges we face.  Your Council would like to get more of your input on the path forward.  The focus group meetings will be held on:

  • Sunday, June 16th at noon in the Luther Room
  • Sunday, June 23rd at 9:00 am New Time: Noon in the Luther Room
  • Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00 pm via Zoom
  • Sunday, June 30th at noon in the Luther Room

Light refreshments will be provided for the in-person meetings.  You only need to attend one of the meetings.  We would appreciate it if you could sign-up so we know how many people on which to plan.  Sign-up is available at the church in the narthex or by contacting the church office. 

If you were unable to participate in the informational meeting on Sunday, June 9th, no problem!  More detailed information will be provided at the focus group meetings.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of June 3

This week we are praying for:

Family and friends of Evelyn S.

Benjamin S.


VBS 2024

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, is sponsoring Celebrate the Savior, a Vacation Bible School program, July 8th-12th, 6 pm-8 pm Monday-Thursday and 6 pm-8:30 pm Friday.

At Celebrate the Savior, children look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and discover that Jesus gives us the joy of Eternal life with him! Our loving God has given us so much to celebrate- family, friends, food, and especially forgiveness through faith in Jesus, our Savior. As kids explore five key events in the life of Jesus, they will discover how the love of Jesus fills us with joy.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of May 19

This week we are praying for:

Family and friends of Cheryl A.

Family and friends of Cheryl P.

Family and friends of Benjamin P.

Family and friends of Trevor E.

Dave V.

Ray D.

Cathy H.

Fran S.

Baby Luke, his birth mother, Allan and Nicole R.


Dick L.

Benjamin S.


Worship in the Garth

June 9, 2024

Join us for “Worship in the Garth” on Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 am.  Chairs will be provided either outside in the garden or inside in the adjacent Library.  The worship service will include Holy Communion.

Please come and experience hope, spiritual growth, worship, and fellowship amidst God’s beautiful creation.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of May 13


Family and friends of Abby

Dick L.

Pat C.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of May 6

This week we are praying for:


Michelle C.



Mark D.

Matthew B.

Lorri N.

Pat C.