
Annual Meeting of the Congregation

The annual meeting of The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will be held Sunday, January 26 following worship. We will elect council members and synod assembly voting members, as well as other business.

The annual report has been emailed, and hard copies are available in the office.

The meeting will be offered on Zoom as well as in person – look for the banner on top of our homepage on the day of the meeting to find the link to the Zoom meeting.

Light refreshments will be offered following the meeting.


Annual Meeting and Luncheon

Please join us on Sunday, January 28 for our 2024 Annual Meeting, followed by a catered luncheon sponsored by the Thrivent Cares committee.

The meeting will be held in person and on Zoom immediately following the Sunday worship service – join online by following the link that will be posted at the top of our homepage that morning.

Please sign up for lunch using the sheet in the narthex, or contact the church office. We’d like to have an accurate count by January 26.

Annual reports will be available in the narthex and digital copies can be requested via email.


Annual Meeting and Refreshments, January 29

Our 2023 Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, January 29, 2023 following the 10:30 worship service. Refreshments and fellowship will be offered in the Fellowship Hall after our work is complete. Copies of the Annual Report are available at the church, or you can email the office to request a digital copy. If you’re attending online, please use the worship Zoom link to join.


Annual Meeting – January 30

Please plan to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Our meeting will be held following worship on Sunday, January 30.

A copy of the Annual Report was mailed to all eligible voting members last week. In this report you’ll find updates on our many ministries as well as our proposed budget for 2021. Please take some time to review the report in advance.

While everyone is welcome to share your thoughts and ideas at any of our meetings, only voting members are eligible to cast a vote or run for office. To be a voting member you must:

  • Be a confirmed member of The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
  • Have made a financial contribution to the congregation in 2022 or 2021
  • Have received communion in 2022 or 2021.

If you’re not sure if you meet the requirements, check with us in the office and we’ll help you out.

The meeting will again be held in person and on Zoom. If you are attending online, please simply attend worship using Zoom, and then stay for the meeting – you won’t need to do anything more to participate. (You can also phone in – visit our website or call the church office for instructions.) We will also be opening the sanctuary for fully vaccinated members to attend worship and the annual meeting. Social distancing will be required. Please contact the church office to register in advance if you will be joining us in person.

Finally, please pay special attention to the report from the council entitled “Beyond the Centennial Plan.” This will provide you with an important update on the council’s work in the two years since we adopted the Centennial Plan. It names the challenges we’ve faced and outlines a number of unexpected opportunities that God has opened up for us. We will devote a significant portion of the annual meeting to your thoughts and hopes and questions about this report.

Thank you for your partnership in the work of Jesus here in Monroeville! We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting on January 30!


Are you eligible to vote at our Annual Meeting?

Our Annual Meeting is coming up fast, and we’ve got lots of exciting and important business – more on that soon. For now, please make sure you’re eligible to vote if you would like to do so.

Our constitution specifies that voting members:

  1. Are confirmed.
  2. Have made a financial contribution on record in the current or previous calendar year.
  3. Have communed (including a communion visit) in the current or previous calendar year.

If you need to make any arrangements or have questions about the voting requirements, please give us a call.


TGSLC Annual Meeting Highlights

Thanks to all who participated in our first ever Annual Congregation Meeting held on Zoom!  We were blessed to be able to conduct the business of the meeting with over 40 members participating either in person or on Zoom. 

A few highlights from the meeting were:

  • Approval of the 2021 Budget for Good Shepherd.
  • Election of two new members to the Congregation Council – Carrie Pugliano and Matt O’Donnell.
  • Election of two delegates for the 2021 Synod Assembly which will be held on Zoom in June.
  • Announcement of a Stewardship Campaign that will begin in the next few weeks.
  • Update from the Committees of the church on 2020 activities and plans for 2021.
  • Thanks were given for our church staff and the many members who do so much in the life of the church.

This will be a very important year for the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church as we continue to navigate church life during a pandemic, focusing on the needs of our members and our communities.  We will also continue to focus on the sale of portions of our property for long term viability of our ministries.  And in all things, we continue to thank God for the blessings that he has given to us as individuals and as a community of faith working together to love and serve as he has called us to do.


Attend the Annual Meeting this Sunday, January 31

It’s easy to attend the annual meeting. Be sure to also come early at 10:30 for worship before the meeting – you can use any of the three ways to attend both worship and the meeting:

Online Using Zoom

Use our normal Sunday morning Zoom instructions. (Please note that the annual meeting will not be livestreamed on YouTube.)

In Person at the Church

We will set up stations around the church building where small groups can participate in the Zoom meeting together. Each station will have a facilitator to run the technology and assist in voting and speaking. No technological skills are required for you to participate. These pods will follow all appropriate COVID-19 guidelines, including the use of masks. Please RSVP with the church office by January 29 if you plan to attend in person.

Dialing in by Phone

Use our normal Sunday morning dial-in instructions:

  1. Dial 1-929-436-2866 (long distance rates may apply)
  2. When asked, use the buttons on your phone to enter our Meeting ID. It is 266 831 067. Push the # key to continue.

Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we experience a new way of being Church together. We look forward to meeting with you after worship on Sunday, January 31!