
Prayers for the Week of March 24

This week we are praying for:

R. Rose



Pray with us this Holy Week

As we enter into the the holiest time of the church year, many of us are searching for ways to deepen our spiritual journey and connect more deeply with our faith. One such opportunity is the Holy Week prayer vigil, a time of quiet reflection and renewal held in our prayer chapel.

Introspective and moving.
A renewal for all.

Michele, past participant

Beginning after the Good Friday worship and running until Easter morning, the prayer vigil offers a sacred space for individuals and families to spend time in prayer and contemplation. Our attendants are present during nighttime shifts to ensure the comfort and security of all participants.

In the prayer chapel, a variety of prayer resources are available, including hymnals, devotionals, and other materials to help guide your spiritual journey. We also provide a private restroom and light refreshments for your convenience.

This is a time for quiet reflection and renewal, a time to step away from the busyness of life and connect more deeply with God. Whether you come alone or with a friend, the transformative power of prayer is waiting for you in our prayer chapel.

We invite you to sign up for a one-hour shift and experience the grace and beauty of this sacred space. Allow prayer to transform your heart and spirit during this holy season of Lent, and discover new strength and renewal for the journey ahead.

Join us for the Holy Week prayer vigil and find solace, peace, and grace in the transformative power of prayer.


Easter Flower Orders due March 30th

This is the last week to get your flower orders in! Honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate someone special and adorn our sanctuary with beautiful spring flowers! Order forms are available in the church narthex and the church office. This year’s choices include azalea’s tulips, lilies, and spring mix! You are encouraged to take your plants home after Easter worship as a reminder of Christ’s resurrection!


Photo Shoot… coming soon!

We are planning our upcoming photo shoots for the 2025 Good Shepherd Photo Directory!  It’s hard to believe but it’s been 10 years since our last directory was developed.  The Council would like to update our directory – both as a reflection of who we are today as well as an everlasting commemoration of our congregation at this time in our life together.  The photos will be taken “in house” as there really aren’t any photographers in the area that provide this service to churches anymore.  We will be taking photos each Sunday after worship beginning in late April/May.  We will be advertising this opportunity through Sunday bulletins, our website and a home mailing to all members to get as many individuals and families to participate as possible.  Stay tuned for more details!


Easter Egg Hunt News

The GSLC Education Committee has decided to forgo the church’s annual Easter Egg Hunt this year due to scheduling conflicts.  We hope to be resuming this event in the future and we thank the congregation for always being such strong supporters in providing needed resources for the event.   Not to worry, though, we’ll be reaching out in the summer, for support for the GLSC’s 2025 VBS!

If you have children, grandchildren or others in your life who are looking for an Easter Egg Hunt this year, please check out these local church hunts that will be taking place this year.

Community Easter Egg Hunts

Emmanuel Eastmont Lutheran Church – Saturday, April 19th, 2:00 pm

Church of the Brethren – Saturday, April 19th, 10:00 am -noon

Cross Roads Presbyterian – Saturday, April 12th, 10:00 am – noon


Prayers for the Week of March 17

This week we are praying for:

Pat Almes

Mark Ridge

Family and friends of Dusty Rhodes

Fred Wiesner


Prayers for the Week of March 10

This week we are praying for:

Jan B.

Kelly S.

Leo E.

Fran L.

Georgie W.

Dan G.

Cathy A.

Ava B.


Lent and Easter 2025

We look forward to seeing you this Lent and Easter! You can use these daily resources to deepen your faith and open your heart during your Lenten journey.

View Daily Prayer

This daily program is produced by Pastor Bob and available on YouTube and anywhere you get your podcasts.

Read Daily Devotions

A daily meditation from the community of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.


Prayers for the Week of February 24

This week we are praying for:


Mark R.

Shirah G.

Nicole C.



Pope Francis

Family and friends of Thomas W.

Family and friends of Gail E.


Prayers for the Week of February 10

This week we are praying for:

Pr. Linda T.

Family and friends of John W.

Gerry B.

Kay R.
