
Harvest/Stewardship Sunday Luncheon

Where: Fellowship Hall

When: Sunday, October 13, 2024

Please join us for food and fellowship on the 13th following worship to give thanks to God for all the blessings he has given us and to share back with our community through donations to the local food banks.  Our congregation has been so very generous in giving to the food banks and our GSLC food pantry.  For this event, we are encouraging monetary donations that we will share with the local food banks (as opposed to collecting food items) so that they may purchase what is most needed at this time.  Cash/checks should be placed in a green envelope marked “Food Bank”.

Your Congregation Council will be providing lunch!  Please come and break bread together on this special Sunday!  A sign-up sheet is available in the Narthex.  Sign-ups may also be made through the church office.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of September 23

This week we are praying for:

Lorraine S.

Nicole C.

Lucille U.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of September 16

This week we are praying for:


Kathleen P.



God’s Work Our Hands at Sunday School

In conjunction with the GWOH event held on September 8th, the children in our Sunday School program did two service projects in support of our church family.  The result of the first of these projects are the uniquely beautiful and creative cards shown here whose destination will be for members and friends of our congregation who may be unable to attend worship due to illness, injury or other situations.  The children provided their own brand of artwork to let those of our members and friends that we love them, miss them and wish them well.  Each card has a message from us to them so they know they are not forgotten!

The second project was to prepare a “care package” for one of our members who is in the military and is preparing to be deployed to Alaska!  The children and their families donated snacks, warm clothing and gift cards to let him know we are missing him and wishing him well in his next adventure.  We also thank him for his service on behalf of our congregation and our country! 


Prayer Concerns for the Week of September 9

This week we are praying for:

R. Rose

Charles O.


Nancy S.

Doreane G.

Alice S.

Ronald D.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of August 25

This week we are praying for:

Donna B.

Family and friends of Roy H.

Family and friends of Jim D.

Greg and Amy I., celebrating 40th wedding anniversary


Special council meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 8/28

A special meeting of the congregation council will be held this Wednesday, August 28 at 8:00 pm on Zoom. The meeting will be to consider matters related to the sale of our property. The meeting will be closed due to the confidential nature of the business.


God’s Work. Our Hands!

Please join us in our annual God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday on September 8, 2024 immediately following worship. We will be joining with Lutherans throughout the US in celebrating who we are as the ELCA – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor! We will be having service events for all ages and everyone is invited! A light lunch will be provided so please sign-up so we know how many to expect.

For our adults, we will be collecting and packing health and wellness kits. Items requested for donation are found below. Cash/checks would also be welcomed to purchase items for the kits.

For our younger members, we will be preparing greeting cards for some of our members who have been unable to attend worship and events in person.

Please sign up and join us for this opportunity for service and fellowship! A sign-up sheet is located in the narthex or you can call the church office. Specific items requested for donations below.  Cash donations are also welcomed! 

Specific Items RequestedSizeQuantity needed
Hand Sanitizer bottles2 oz.200
Dial Soap bars4 oz.100
Wet wipes (unscented)42 ct. pkg75
Wet Ones Travel Pack20 ct.75


Prayer Concerns for the Week of August 18

This week we are praying for:

Lucy J.

Linda M.

Ronald D.

Fred W.

Jan B.

Charley and Bonnie

Doreane G.

Family and friends of David F.


Prayer Concerns for the Week of July 29

This week we are praying for:

Leonard W.

Matt S.



Tom L.

Lauren L

Neil W.

Family and friends of Tammy (Michael) S. whose mother, Laurel, passed

Family and friends of and Richard S. whose wife, Lori, passed