
Christmas for Our Homebound Members

Our Service Committee is again preparing Christmas gift bags for our members who are in nursing homes or otherwise unable to safely leave their homes. Items that we are collecting are: tissues, travel size lotion, hand sanitizer, pudding, fruit cups, Jello cups, individually wrapped breakfast bars, snack cakes and cookies, and activity books such as crossword puzzles and coloring books. Items should be returned to the church on or before Sunday, December 17th. We hope to deliver all gifts by Christmas!


Angel Tree Gifts

Our annual collection to brighten the Christmas for children in our area who are less fortunate has started. Angels with names and gift ideas are located on the small tree in the narthex. Please return wrapped and labeled gifts to the church on or before December 10th. If you are unable to shop, monetary donations are also welcomed. Help us to help our neighbors this Christmas Season!


Service Committee Notes

Thank you to everyone who donated items for our Harvest Sunday. We were able to donate about 10 bags of non-perishable food items to the Crossroads Food Pantry and the Garden City Food Pantry.

If you find yourself in need of food, contact Garden City Food Pantry (412-373-0391) or Cross Roads Food Pantry (412-372-2311).

The Angel Tree has been set up in the narthex. Names are available! Please sign for the angel you have selected. Please return wrapped and labeled gift/s to the church on or before December 10. (Name and angel # should be on each gift.) If you would like to help but are not able to shop, we will accept monetary donations, cash or checks payable to Good Shepherd with Angel Tree Gifts written in the memo. Harry M. will deliver the gifts the week of December 10.

We are now collecting items for our homebound members. There are six members on our list this year. We appreciate any donations such as tissues, travel size lotion, hand sanitizer, pudding, fruit, and jello cups, individually wrapped breakfast bars, snack cakes and cookies, and activity books such as word searches, crossword puzzles or coloring books. A collection box is in the narthex. Donations will be accepted through December 17. Our goal is to have the gifts delivered before Christmas!

We will also accept and appreciate holiday or greeting card donations. We include a card from the church at Christmas and Easter and also send cards out during the year.

Deck the Halls is scheduled for Sunday, December 17 from 12 pm to 1:30 pm. A light luncheon will be served if there is enough interest. Please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex or call the church office if you are interested in staying for lunch.

Thank you again for your participation in all of our missions this year!


Notice of Special Council Meeting

A special meeting of the congregation council has been called for 8:30pm this Thursday, October 19. The item of business will be to consult with our real estate agents regarding our property and potential buyers and to take action as appropriate. The council will meet on Zoom using the regular council meeting link.


Notice of Special Council Meeting

A special meeting of the congregation council has been called for 11:45 a.m. This Sunday October 1st. The item of business will be to consider amendments proposed to our agreement of sale by the other party. The council will meet in person at the church, and will also make the meeting available on Zoom using the regular council meeting link.


Alternative Response Discussion

The DHS wants to hear from you at this presentation and discussion on Alternative Response.

Join the Allegheny County Department of Human Services for an information session, Q&A, and group discussions. Learn what piloting Alternative Response in Monroeville will look like and discuss how you think it should be implemented. Alternative Response is a model in which unarmed, trained responders are asked to respond to 911 call instead of law enforcement.

We are working to be able to provide childcare during the event for children under 10 years old, so please mark your need for childcare in the registration and we will be in touch to confirm our ability to provide it. Snacks will be provided.

We value your time. The first 20 Monroeville residents who register to attend, and then attend and participate in the event will be compensated with a $25 gift card.

If you have questions about this event or alternative response, email

SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM

Monroeville Public Library

4000 Gateway Campus Boulevard

Monroeville, PA 15146

Pre-registration recommended (use the QR code below)


Early Fall Worship Events

Our fall worship season will kick off on Sunday, September 10th with the return of the chancel choir and other special music.   

On Sunday, September 17th we will begin the fall Sunday School season for our students in preschool, elementary and middle school!  Our worship service will include a musical offering from our Sunday School students that comes from this summer’s Vacation Bible School.  Sunday School for these ages will be held immediately after the worship service on the 17th.

Please join us for worship and celebrate the beginning of fall and the joy of being fully back together following summer activities!

All Sunday worship services are held in person at 10:30 am and are livestreamed on YouTube.


Outdoor Worship – September 3rd

Join us for “Worship in the Garth” on Sunday, September 3rd at 10:30 am.  Chairs will be provided either outside in the garden or inside in the adjacent Library.  The worship service will include Holy Communion.

Please come and experience hope, spiritual growth, worship, and fellowship amidst God’s beautiful creation.


Double Your Donation


Double your donation to the Garden City Food Pantry from 8 am to Midnight, August 1, 2023. Donations of $25 and up will be increased by the Pittsburgh Foundation.


Search: Garden City Food Pantry


Join us for “God’s Wonder Lab” VBS, July 9-13

VBS will be July 9th- 13th 2023! VBS will start on a Sunday this year! All are welcome to attend church before VBS starts. Then we will have our VBS kick off following church starting at noon till 3 PM. This specific time will only be for Sunday. We then will have VBS Monday through Thursday from 6 to 8 PM.

At God’s Wonder Lab VBS, your children look into the Bible, God’s holy word, and discover that Jesus does the impossible, giving us eternal life with him! Jesus shows that he is god with amazing miracles. And he shows us that he loves us by using his power to do marvelous things on our behalf!

We are so looking forward to seeing you at God’s wonder lab, where Jesus does the impossible!

Visit our VBS page to register and for all kinds of fun VBS resources!