
Fun and faith come together in the annual Easter egg hunt

We had a wonderful time at our church’s annual Easter egg hunt last Sunday. It was a joy to see so many children and families participate in this fun and meaningful event – the Fellowship Hall was packed with over 200 people!

We want to thank everyone who helped make it possible: the volunteers who hid the eggs, the donors who provided the candy and prizes, the team who organized the activities, and of course, the parents and kids who joined us.

The Easter egg hunt is more than just a game. It is a way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again on the third day. The eggs symbolize the new life that we have in him. The candy and prizes remind us of the gifts that he gives us. The activities help us learn more about his love and grace.

We hope that you had a great time at the Easter egg hunt and that you felt the presence of God in your lives. We invite you to join us again for our regular Suday services and other events throughout the year. We are a family of faith that welcomes everyone with open arms. Thank you for being part of our church community. God bless you!