
Souper Sunday

Join us for a special celebration of food and fellowship on Sunday, February 9th immediately following worship. We will break bread, slurp soup and dive into dessert while collecting canned goods and other donations for those in need. We hope to have a “souper” good time and share our gifts with others! All are welcome! The lunch will be provided by our Sunday School families and the Education Committee – so just come and enjoy! Please sign up on the posting in the narthex or contact the church office.


Service Committee Notes

Thank you to everyone who donated items for our Harvest Sunday. We were able to donate about 10 bags of non-perishable food items to the Crossroads Food Pantry and the Garden City Food Pantry.

If you find yourself in need of food, contact Garden City Food Pantry (412-373-0391) or Cross Roads Food Pantry (412-372-2311).

The Angel Tree has been set up in the narthex. Names are available! Please sign for the angel you have selected. Please return wrapped and labeled gift/s to the church on or before December 10. (Name and angel # should be on each gift.) If you would like to help but are not able to shop, we will accept monetary donations, cash or checks payable to Good Shepherd with Angel Tree Gifts written in the memo. Harry M. will deliver the gifts the week of December 10.

We are now collecting items for our homebound members. There are six members on our list this year. We appreciate any donations such as tissues, travel size lotion, hand sanitizer, pudding, fruit, and jello cups, individually wrapped breakfast bars, snack cakes and cookies, and activity books such as word searches, crossword puzzles or coloring books. A collection box is in the narthex. Donations will be accepted through December 17. Our goal is to have the gifts delivered before Christmas!

We will also accept and appreciate holiday or greeting card donations. We include a card from the church at Christmas and Easter and also send cards out during the year.

Deck the Halls is scheduled for Sunday, December 17 from 12 pm to 1:30 pm. A light luncheon will be served if there is enough interest. Please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex or call the church office if you are interested in staying for lunch.

Thank you again for your participation in all of our missions this year!


2nd Annual Food Truck and Basket Raffle

Please join us Saturday, July 30 from 11:00-4:00 for our Second Annual Food Truck and Basket Raffle! We are once again raising funds to build a house for a family in need, through Food for the Poor.

Vendors will be announced at a later date, but we promise there’ll be good eats!

We are now accepting basket donations. Baskets should have a value of at least $35-50. Please let the church office know if you’ll be putting one together.

Please spread the word and help us make this event a great success again this year!


Make it a Souper day

February 13 is Super Bowl Sunday. Wouldn’t it be Souper to get a donation for the food pantry by that day?  We are looking for cans of soup, chili, stew and canned meats specifically, but all donations are welcome and appreciated.


Wash Your Car – Build a House!

This Christmas, give yourself or your loved ones the gift of a clean car – and help The Good Shepherd build a house for a family in need!

Now through January 31, buy a Rocket Exterior wash voucher through our fundraising site for just $10 – it’s the best in town, and normally it sells for $23.99! Even better, you can upgrade your wash to one of the full service interior/exterior packages by paying the difference at the store – as little a dollar more for a clean car, inside and out. Just look at the shine on the pastor’s car!

Best of all, for each car wash we sell, we’ll receive $6 toward our housebuilding project with Food for the Poor!

Your vouchers are purchased online like a mobile order from a restaurant, and will be delivered to use on your smartphone. If that’s outside of your comfort zone, you can order paper vouchers through the church office – they’ll be available at the end of the promotion.

Wash vouchers are valid for one year, so get enough so that no matter what else 2022 may bring, you know you’ll be driving a clean car!

Please let your family, friends and neighbors know about this fundraiser – our goal is to raise $1500 by selling 250 washes.

Rocket Carwash (formerly Auto Bathouse) is located at 145 Wyngate Dr. in Monroeville.


Red up the church for Google

Did you know that Google maps can take you right inside many buildings? We’re inviting the Street View cameras into The Good Shepherd next month so that members and guests can take a virtual walk through our lovely building!

In order to get our halls and rooms ready for their moment in the spotlight, we could use a little help. Would you be willing to do some tidying (organizing and decluttering more than scrubbing and cleaning) between now and early October? We’ll be scheduling small shifts rather than having a big clean-up day, in order to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Call or email the office to let us know when you’re available.

We’ll let you know when our virtual building is live on Google Maps!


Looks like we got it wrong – we thought the photography crew would be free, but it actually costs about $600! It would be fun to do this, but there are other things we’d rather invest those funds in. You’re still welcome to help us red up the church, though! 😀


Food Truck correction

Last week there was an incorrect date in our original post about the Food Truck and Basket Raffle event. The post has been corrected. Here’s the updated version:

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is hosting a Food Truck Event and Basket Raffle to be raise funds to help build sustainable housing in Haiti and to help feed the poor. Baskets in the raffle will include lottery tickets, kid’s theme, Steeler tickets and more! The event will take place on Saturday, July 24 from 3pm to 7pm. Any member willing to donate a basket to raffle worth $35 to $50, please contact Diane Rossetti. Any questions, please call the church office at 412-372-2934.


Food Truck Event/ Basket Raffle

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is hosting a Food Truck Event and Basket Raffle to be raise funds to help build sustainable housing in Haiti and to help feed the poor. Baskets in the raffle will include lottery tickets, kid’s theme, Steeler tickets and more! The event will take place on Saturday, July 24 from 3pm to 7pm. Any member willing to donate a basket to raffle worth $35 to $50, please contact Diane Rossetti. Baskets should be at the church by noon on July 18. The committee will package the baskets since we want to list what is included in the basket. We will also accept monetary donations to purchase items for baskets. If you have questions call Mary at 413-559-3756.


Support the Shelter Meal

We want to remind you that the monthly Shelter Meal in support of North Side Common Ministries continues!  We usually have enough signed up to make Sloppy Joes but new cooks are always welcomed.  We could use monetary donations to help with the cost of the side dishes, desserts, beverages and paper products. Use your green envelope, or a plain one, labeled Service Committee-Shelter Meal.

Again many thanks to Harry McCollum for continuing to deliver the meal and clothing donations to the North Side. Thank you to you all who continue to support this ministry.

– Your Service Committee

COVID-19 News

Having trouble registering for a vaccination? We can help.

Although many Pennsylvanians are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it’s not always easy to find an available dose and register to receive it. We’ve compiled these resources to help you toward being COVID-free.

Hands-on Help

Council member Matt O’Donnell is offering his assistance to anyone who doesn’t have the technology or skills to use the various online registration systems. Reach out to the church office and we’ll connect you with him.

And if you’d like to also offer your services, please let us know.

Searching for Doses

As of this writing there is still a significant shortage of the vaccines compared to the demand for them among eligible Pennsylvanians. We hope that will lessen soon. In the meanwhile, here are the tips we’re hearing for locating vaccination:

Take advantage of 65+ clinics

The most successful route is for seniors 65 and older. Several vaccination clinics have been held in Monroeville for people in this age range. You can read Bob Rossetti’s experience at one of the first ones here. If you qualify, this is one of the easiest ways to get your vaccination.

Join a Facebook group

One of the best tools to help you find doses is social media. If you’re on Facebook, be sure to join the Getting Pittsburgh Vaccinated group and check regularly for tips about clinics other locations where doses of the vaccine are currently available.

Get on a standby list

Two of the three approved vaccines require very specific handling, and once the doses are ready for patients, they have a very short shelf life. For providers, a canceled appointment can mean a wasted vaccination dose.

Dr. B – the standby list for leftover doses – helps to connect spare vaccinations with arms that are looking for them. Registration is quick and free, and the site follows HIPAA guidelines regarding the data you provide.

If a provider finds itself with spare doses, it notifies Dr. B. The site then identifies nearby eligible people from its waitlist. If that’s you, you’ll receive an invitation to reserve the dose. You’ll need to move quickly and be able to travel to the provider, so you’ll want to consider transportation beforehand.

See where Rite Aid and Walgreens have available appointments

We’re not going to lie – although it’s great news that the vaccines are being made available at the national pharmacy chains, it’s really hard to snag an appointment to get one. The pharmacies’ online registration systems make it difficult to determine what locations currently have available doses.

Your best bet is to use Vaxx Maxx, an online tool that will show you all the available appointments in your state for either Rite Aid or Walgreens. It’s updated every few minutes.

You’ll still need to go to each pharmacy’s online registration tool to nab the appointment:

Competition is fierce, and there’s a good chance that appointments listed on Vaxx Maxx will be gone just minutes after they appear. It’s also likely that if you find an appointment someone else will be registering for it at the same time as you are – don’t be surprised to get to the end of the process and be told that your appointment was claimed by someone else. Perseverance is the key.

We’ve also been told that Rite Aid tends to dump new appointments to its registration system at midnight – this is both when you’ll have the greatest chance of finding available times, and also when there are the most people trying to claim those times.

Try Giant Eagle and CVS

The local grocery chain has been sponsoring vaccination drives at Heinz Field, as well as having appointments in-store. Their registration system has a waiting list to access it, and you’re not guaranteed an appointment once you get in, but it’s another option..

Another option is to check with CVS.

Check with a local pharmacy

Smaller, local pharmacies are often overlooked in the quest for vaccination doses. People using the internet to search will often overlook these providers, since each one has its own procedures and registration systems. You might find that they have doses available. Local pharmacies may also offer a simple waiting list to their eligible customers – something that’s not available at the bigger chains.

It Will Get Better… Quickly

If this all sounds chaotic and like a lot of effort, you’re not wrong. But the good news is that all three vaccines are being manufactured at quantity now. Each week more doses hit the market. In the next few months it’s likely that all of the vaccine hustle is a distant memory, and anyone who wants the shot will be able to easily get it.

In the meanwhile, continue to practice social distancing, wearing face coverings and playing it safe when it comes to trips out into the world. We’re in the home stretch now – keep hanging in there, and let us know if you’ve got any great tips for getting the vaccine!