Announcements COVID-19 News

Covid Policy Revised to Reflect CDC “Community Levels”

The church council has made significant revisions to our Covid policy, aligning it to the CDC’s revised “Community Levels” risk assessment.

You can read our policy in its entirety on our website, or view our current status anytime.

The most significant change is that masks will not be required except when Allegheny County is in the highest level of alert. As of June 27, our status is green and the following will apply:

Green (Low Risk) Status: Worship and other indoor events are open to all individuals. Masks are optional in the building and social distancing is recommended.

We will continue to offer livestreams of our worship services, as well as Daily Prayer online.

If you have any questions about our new policy, you’re invited to contact any of our council members.


Join us for worship this Holy Week!

We invite you to join us online or in person as we enter the holy mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection for the sake of the world.

Maundy Thursday, April 14 at 7:00 pm. This service of Holy Communion recalls Jesus last meal with his friends, his washing of their feet, and his commandment (“mandatum” ➡️ mandate ➡️ Maundy) that his followers must show their love for one another by imitating Jesus’ own acts of humble, loving service. The worship concludes with the stripping of the altar – a solemn removal of all decorations and ornamentation, leaving the worship space harsh and exposed as Jesus’ story moves rapidly toward the nakedness of the cross.

Good Friday, April 15 at 7:00 pm. The great “Three Days” continue as we mark the trial, crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus. It is an awful, terrific, tremendous day in the truest sense – a day that inspires awe, terror and trembling at the power of God laid bare in the frailty of a dying human body. But we call the day “Good,” because the power at work that day was for our sake and the sake of the world. With this in mind, our service emphasizes prayer for all the wounded creation Jesus died to make new. The central image is of the dead wood of the cross in actuality being the blossoming Tree of Life, in which was hung the salvation of the world.

Easter Sunday, April 17 at 10:30 am. Just as Jesus shared in our death on Good Friday, on Easter Sunday we rejoice that he has risen so that we might share in his eternal life! The bleak emptiness of the sanctuary erupts into a glory of petals, the cross bursts forth in blooms, and the Church’s song of “Alleluia!” (“Hallelujah!” ➡️ “Praise the Lord!) returns with vigor to our worship after forty days’ absence. Musical celebrations and Holy Communion complete the air of victory and joy.

Masks and social distancing will be required at all services. We will be utilizing windows and air filters to maximize airflow in the worship space. Vaccinations (and boosters) are highly encouraged, though not required. If you are not feeling well, we invite you to join us online rather than in person.

Announcements COVID-19

In-Person worship will resume this week

As covid levels have fallen, Allegheny County’s risk status has been downgraded to “Very High.” That means we’re able to return to in-person events and worship effective immediately. Masks and distancing will still be required while in the building. Vaccination are strongly encouraged but not required. Our livestream will continue to be offered every week on Zoom and YouTube. See you on Sunday!

Announcements COVID-19

Services move to online only

Covid is once again surging in Allegheny County. Case numbers have reached new highs this week with the Delta-Omicron one-two punch. With the increased spread, our risk status has been upgraded to “Severe” – the highest category – by Covid Act Now, our primary source of pandemic data.

In keeping with our Covid policy, all in-person events and services at The Good Shepherd have been cancelled. We will continue to hold services online every Sunday at 10:30, and look forward to worshiping with you via Zoom or YouTube!

We look forward to returning to in-person gatherings as soon as our risk level drops back down to Red. Keep an eye on this website for the most current updates.


Christmas 2021 – In Person or Online!

Join us in person or online this Christmas! Visit for all the most current information. Here are the essentials:

Service Times

We’re offering three identical services this year so that we can gather in person safely. We’re limiting each service to 25% of the sanctuary’s capacity. Please request your seats in advance using our online form or by calling the church office – we can’t guarantee that there will be walk-in seats available this year!

Candlelight Holy Communion

  • 4:30 pm on December 24
  • 7:30 pm on December 24
  • 10:00 pm on December 24

All three services will be livestreamed.

Covid-19 Precautions

We are taking great care to make Christmas a safe and joyful experience as we gather in person this year:

  • Masks are required for all worshipers.
  • Limited seating allows for social distancing.
  • Windows will be cracked to increase air exchange.
  • Filters have been deployed to clear the air.
  • Communion will be in the pews with pre-packaged elements.
  • LED candles will be provided (so we don’t blow all over each other to put them out).
  • The service will be kept to under an hour to reduce possible exposure.
Announcements COVID-19 News

Check out our Corsi/Rosenthal Boxes

Air filtration has become an important tool in fighting the spread of Covid-19. The disease is spread by aerosolized particles that can linger in the air for some time before settling. Masks help prevent the particles from entering the air we share with others – air filters are a good way of dealing with the viral material that finds its way into the air despite our best efforts.

Unfortunately, commercial air filters are expensive. It’s easy to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on portable ones.

Thankfully, creative scientists and DIY types have developed the Corsi/Rosenthal box (named for its co-creators). This cube-shaped contraption can be built in about 20 minutes and costs around $100, but performs as well as a unit costing five times as much. Corsi/Rosenthal boxes are being deployed in schools and offices around the country as colder weather drives people inside.

We have installed two Corsi/Rosenthal boxes in our sanctuary to help keep our air free of viruses and allergens. Another has been installed in the office.

As part of our effort to make our building safer for staff and guests, we’ve installed three Corsi/Rosenthal boxes around the building. They’re an extra layer of defense as we spend more time indoors.

Please don’t touch or move the boxes unless you’ve checked first! They need to be handled with care, since virus particles will collect in the air filters that make up the four sides of the cubes. If you touch the filters, please wash your hands thoroughly right away, just to be safe.

And if you’re asked to move one of the boxes, please hold it by the plastic fan, and go slowly, so as not to shake any virus particles loose from the filters as you go.

We’re grateful that God has blessed us with such creative and resourceful neighbors with the ability to invent such a useful device!

If you’d like to learn more about our Corsi/Rosenthal boxes or how to build one yourself, Pastor Bob would love to lend a hand.


Worship as the seasons change

It’s November in PA – the nights are getting longer, the days are getting chillier and the leaves are turning colors and decorating our lawns. With the change in weather, we say goodbye to Worship at the Gazebo for the cold months, and have moved indoors.

Because Covid-19 has stubbornly plateaued at a high level in Allegheny County this fall, we still are taking measures to make indoor worship as safe as possible:

  • Vaccinations are not required, but are strongly encouraged for everyone eligible. The pastor and worship leaders are fully vaccinated.
  • Masks are required in the building. During worship the pastor and worship leaders may remove their masks to help with hearing, but will continue to wear masks when in close contact with worshipers.
  • Distancing should be practiced – the pews are marked, and we ask you to give others space as you move through the building, particularly during communion.
  • Ventilation will be increased by opening windows. We’ll do our best to make the sanctuary comfortable, but you may want to wear an extra layer or adjust your preferred seating based on the airflow.
  • Filtration has been added to the sanctuary that can remove about 90% of covid-containing particles from the air, once or twice per hour.
  • Livestreaming will continue to be offered for anyone who prefers to join us online.

As we look toward the winter, we are optimistically planning for an in-person Christmas. The worship committee is working on a plan to hold multiple services on Christmas Eve to allow for an appropriate number of people in the sanctuary.

Covid has thrown us many curveballs before, so nothing’s for sure, but we’re hopeful that we can gather in safety and joy this year.

Keep your eyes on this space for more information as we get closer to Christmas.

Announcements COVID-19

Covid update: Indoor worship and events now open to all

The council has revised our covid policy to open indoor worship and events to all people, regardless of vaccination status. Our policy continues to require masking and physical distancing while in the building.

Although we’re relaxing the policy a little, we strongly encourage you to receive the vaccine if you’re eligible – it’s the best way to keep our members and our community safe and healthy. If you’re on the fence, ask any of your council members about their experience getting the vaccine.

We’ll continue to offer worship online, of course.

Announcements COVID-19

Covid Status change

As of August 1, Allegheny County is once again in the Red (High Risk) category. In keeping with our Covid policy, all indoor events – including worship – are now restricted to those who have been fully vaccinated.

In order to welcome as many people to worship as possible, the council has decided to move our services outdoors to the Gazebo every Sunday at 10:30. Communion will be offered every week. Please bring chairs or a blanket, or worship from your car if that’s more comfortable for you.

In the event of inclement weather, we’ll move the service indoors. You can check our homepage Saturday night or Sunday morning to see the current plan. If you have not been fully vaccinated, we ask that you join us online if the weather is bad.

Masks and socially distancing continue to be required indoors regardless of vaccination status.

Worship will continue to be livestreamed every Sunday. It’s easy to join us online!

We understand the frequently changing plans can be frustrating. Just a month ago we were green, but the Delta variant is spreading more quickly in our county at the moment than in 95% of all counties. (Allegheny County currently has the 152nd highest infection rate out of 3224 counties in the US.) Thanks for continuing to be flexible as we do our best to keep the congregation and our community safe and healthy!

And if you haven’t done so yet, please get the vaccination if you’re able to! It’s free, it’s safe, it’s easy, and it could save your life – or the life of someone you love. If you’re not sure yet, now’s the time to ask your doctor for their advice – they’re in the best position to help you evaluate what’s right for your health.

Announcements COVID-19

Join us Sundays at 10:30 in the Sanctuary!

We are once again worshiping together in the sanctuary, beginning June 6! All are welcome, regardless of vaccination status. While in the building, please continue to wear your mask and practice social distancing. Worship will continue to be offered on Zoom and YouTube, if you aren’t able to join us in person.