
Daylight Saving Time ends Nov. 7

Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour before you go to bed Saturday night! Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 am Sunday, Nov. 7. Enjoy your extra hour of sleep. 😊

Announcements COVID-19

Covid update: Indoor worship and events now open to all

The council has revised our covid policy to open indoor worship and events to all people, regardless of vaccination status. Our policy continues to require masking and physical distancing while in the building.

Although we’re relaxing the policy a little, we strongly encourage you to receive the vaccine if you’re eligible – it’s the best way to keep our members and our community safe and healthy. If you’re on the fence, ask any of your council members about their experience getting the vaccine.

We’ll continue to offer worship online, of course.


NEW: Find your center Sunday mornings

Have you struggled to find your spiritual center lately? We completely understand! We want to help you recover that sense of spiritual peace and balance that’s in such short supply these days.

That’s why we’re setting aside a few precious minutes each Sunday morning to ground you in faith.

From 10:10 to 10:20, please join us for a time of peaceful contemplation in the sanctuary. Week by week it might look a little different, but you can expect some or all of the following:

  • Inspiring music to calm your spirit
  • An idea from scripture or our faith tradition to inspire your heart
  • Images and art to focus your mind
  • Short prayers that bring it all together

We hope you’ll find this time an uplifting way to transition from all the concerns of everyday life into the joy of our Sunday worship service.

And we want to know what would help you feel more grounded spiritually. If there are practices you’d like us to consider, please let our worship leaders know!

We look forward to growing with you.

Announcements COVID-19

Covid Status change

As of August 1, Allegheny County is once again in the Red (High Risk) category. In keeping with our Covid policy, all indoor events – including worship – are now restricted to those who have been fully vaccinated.

In order to welcome as many people to worship as possible, the council has decided to move our services outdoors to the Gazebo every Sunday at 10:30. Communion will be offered every week. Please bring chairs or a blanket, or worship from your car if that’s more comfortable for you.

In the event of inclement weather, we’ll move the service indoors. You can check our homepage Saturday night or Sunday morning to see the current plan. If you have not been fully vaccinated, we ask that you join us online if the weather is bad.

Masks and socially distancing continue to be required indoors regardless of vaccination status.

Worship will continue to be livestreamed every Sunday. It’s easy to join us online!

We understand the frequently changing plans can be frustrating. Just a month ago we were green, but the Delta variant is spreading more quickly in our county at the moment than in 95% of all counties. (Allegheny County currently has the 152nd highest infection rate out of 3224 counties in the US.) Thanks for continuing to be flexible as we do our best to keep the congregation and our community safe and healthy!

And if you haven’t done so yet, please get the vaccination if you’re able to! It’s free, it’s safe, it’s easy, and it could save your life – or the life of someone you love. If you’re not sure yet, now’s the time to ask your doctor for their advice – they’re in the best position to help you evaluate what’s right for your health.


Confirmation Sunday at the Gazebo

Please plan to join us this Sunday, August 1 at the Gazebo for Confirmation Sunday! We are delighted to have three young men who will affirm their faith in Jesus:

  • Kaeden Corbin
  • Owen Corbin
  • Nicholas Turowski

A reception will be held following the worship service to honor them, as well as our graduates from the Class of 2021.


Sermon Series: God at Work

During the weeks after Pentecost, Pastor Bob will be preaching a sermon series: God at Work – God’s gracious actions as seen through the lives of Samuel and David.”

  • 6/30 – God Calls
  • 6/6 – God Responds
  • 6/13 – God Sees
  • 6/20 – God Leads
  • 6/27 – God Saves
  • 7/4 – God Unites

If you missed an installment, why not visit our YouTube channel and catch up?

Announcements COVID-19

Join us Sundays at 10:30 in the Sanctuary!

We are once again worshiping together in the sanctuary, beginning June 6! All are welcome, regardless of vaccination status. While in the building, please continue to wear your mask and practice social distancing. Worship will continue to be offered on Zoom and YouTube, if you aren’t able to join us in person.

Announcements COVID-19

Worship at the Gazebo returns May 9

We are excited to announce that Worship at the Gazebo will return for a second summer beginning Mother’s Day, May 9. Please join us at 10:30 for worship with Holy Communion!

There are three convenient ways to join us:

  1. Bring your favorite lawn chair or blanket and find a comfortable spot in the lawn. (We have folding chairs you can use, too.)
  2. Park in one of the spaces conveniently located by the gazebo and remain in your car.
  3. Catch us online, just as always.

In the event of inclement weather, we’ll announce on our website that services have been moved indoors. According to our current (revised) COVID-19 policy, those who have been fully vaccinated are able to join us in the sanctuary these Sundays. (This means that two weeks must have passed since your final dose of the vaccine. Please contact the church office to let us know your vaccination date[s].)

No matter whether we’re indoors or outdoors, we’ll continue to take precautions to keep everyone safe – please bring your mask and keep those respectful six feet of distance from others outside your immediate household.

We are excited to return to our beautiful gazebo this summer, and even more excited to worship and commune with you in person! If you are able to join us, we can’t wait to see you at the gazebo May 9.

And if the time isn’t right for you just yet, we completely understand – we’ll be sure to wave at the camera to let you know you matter to us, too.

We’ll see you online only this Sunday, May 2… and online or at the gazebo next Sunday, May 9!


Please Note: Update to Easter Worship Plan

As one may have expected, we will need to make some adjustments to our worship plans for Sunday, April 4th, Easter Sunday.  We had previously announced that we intended to hold two worship services on Easter Sunday in the sanctuary, for those who are fully vaccinated and for a small number of those not fully vaccinated.  However, in light of the recent COVID trends in Allegheny County and the fact that we have moved into the red “very high risk” category, the Council has had to revisit our previously announced plan.  Our current COVID Policy states that in the event Allegheny County is in the red category, all in-person events will be suspended.  However, due to the recency of this change in status for the County and the in light of the number of people in our congregation who are already fully vaccinated, the Council has opted to make the following exception to the COVID Policy for Easter Sunday only and announce the following changes to the Easter worship opportunities:

  • One Worship Service including Holy Communion will be held at 10:30 am for anyone who is fully vaccinated*.
  • The Worship Service will be live streamed for all others on You Tube and via Zoom at 10:30 am and will be posted at
  • Parking Lot Communion from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm- Holy Communion will be made available in the Good Shepherd parking lot for anyone who is interested – between the hours of noon and 2:00pm.  COVID vaccinations are not required to participate in parking lot communion.  We will continue to observe good practices of mask-wearing, social distancing and hand sanitizing in the distribution and receiving of Holy Communion.

Anyone who is fully vaccinated and interested in attending the 10:30 Worship Service on Easter Sunday, in person, will still need to wear face masks and observe appropriate social distancing.   Pews will be marked to aid in the seating with distance.  Entrance to the sanctuary will be from the narthex and exit will be out of the door near the library.  Windows on both sides will be open to provide safer air flow. 

Pre-registration is required to attend the worship service in person.  In order to register, please contact Donna Wenger in the church office either by phone or via email – no later than 3:00pm on Thursday, April 1, 2021.  You will need to provide information regarding the number of people in your party and the information about the dates that each in your party received vaccination(s).

We are sorry that we’ve needed to make a change to our original plan but we believe this is the most appropriate response in light of the current trends.  We are continuing to act with caution and care for our members and our community in establishing precautions to ensure safety for all.  The Council is also preparing to revisit the current policy on COVID protocols as it relates to worship participation and the current positive trending in vaccination statistics to determine the appropriate way forward for worshipping in the future.

* Fully vaccinated – is defined as being 2 weeks after having received the \second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or 1 dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.


Holy Week and Easter schedule

We are pleased to announce the following services to make your Holy Week and Easter a profound and moving experience this year:

Palm Sunday

  • Worship with us online using Zoom or YouTube!
  • Special “Readers Theatre” presentation of the Passion Gospel by members of The Good Shepherd.
  • Special music by the church musicians.

Holy Week

Maundy Thursday

  • A special service will be offered on our YouTube channel – you can view at any time at your convenience.
  • Gather a some water and a towel before so you can participate in the washing portion of the service.

Good Friday

  • The rostered leaders of the Synod Council have prepared a service of readings and preaching based on the Passion According to John. Pastor Bob will read the seven readings from scripture.
  • We’ll view the service together at 7:00 pm using our regular Zoom link. Or you can view the service any time on the Synod’s YouTube channel.


Easter Sunday

Plans have changed…

Please note that due to a recent surge in COVID-19 cases in our county, we have revised this plan since it was first posted.

  • We are planning for two services: 9:00 and 10:30.
  • We are planning a single service at 10:30.
  • If you have been fully vaccinated (two weeks have passed since your final dose), you may attend in person – please register with the office.
  • If you have not been fully vaccinated, you may request to attend – up to 25 at each service will be permitted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The service will be livestreamed as always using our normal Zoom and YouTube links for any who are unable to join us in person.
  • Lots of special music has been prepared by our musicians!
  • Holy Communion will be offered in the sanctuary for those who can attend the service in person, and to everyone in a drive-through distribution from noon to 2:00 in the church parking lot.
  • Please note that case numbers in Allegheny County are currently rising. It is possible that they could reach levels where our COVID-19 policy no longer permits in-person gatherings indoors. If that occurs, we will be in touch with anyone who has registered, and will announce alternative plans.

The Second Sunday of Easter