
Food Truck Event/ Basket Raffle

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is hosting a Food Truck Event and Basket Raffle to be raise funds to help build sustainable housing in Haiti and to help feed the poor. Baskets in the raffle will include lottery tickets, kid’s theme, Steeler tickets and more! The event will take place on Saturday, July 24 from 3pm to 7pm. Any member willing to donate a basket to raffle worth $35 to $50, please contact Diane Rossetti. Baskets should be at the church by noon on July 18. The committee will package the baskets since we want to list what is included in the basket. We will also accept monetary donations to purchase items for baskets. If you have questions call Mary at 413-559-3756.


Hop, Skip, Jump VBS coming to The Good Shepherd!

Vacation Bible School is returning to The Good Shepherd in July and August 2021, and we couldn’t be more excited!

VBS will look a little different this year. How so? It will be totally outside, With a lesson, craft, games, snack, and fun while learning about Jesus!

We will be meeting four Wednesday nights from 6-8pm! July 21 & 28th and August 4th & 11th! Each Wednesday lesson will be different so if you can’t attend each week, no worries!

CDC guidelines will be followed as needed at the time of the event!

Register now!


Worship At The Gazebo Returns!

Back by popular demand, we will once again be worshipping outdoors at the gazebo on the following Sunday mornings at 10:30 am, weather permitting – July 4th, August 1st , September 5th

Join us on the lawn or from your car for worship outdoors!  Masks are not required!  In the event of inclement weather, the worship service will be held in the sanctuary. 

All other Sunday worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 10:30 am.


Sermon Series: God at Work

During the weeks after Pentecost, Pastor Bob will be preaching a sermon series: God at Work – God’s gracious actions as seen through the lives of Samuel and David.”

  • 6/30 – God Calls
  • 6/6 – God Responds
  • 6/13 – God Sees
  • 6/20 – God Leads
  • 6/27 – God Saves
  • 7/4 – God Unites

If you missed an installment, why not visit our YouTube channel and catch up?


Synod Assembly is this week

Please pray for Liz Smith, Gretchen Wiesner, Pastor Bob, and all the leaders of our synod as they gather online in Assembly Thursday night and all day Saturday. You can view the livestream at You’ll also find a virtual film festival, a coaching workshop, and the limited release podcast Faithful and Fulfilled: Stories on Purpose, for which Pastor Bob serves as an editor. Check it out!

Announcements COVID-19

Join us Sundays at 10:30 in the Sanctuary!

We are once again worshiping together in the sanctuary, beginning June 6! All are welcome, regardless of vaccination status. While in the building, please continue to wear your mask and practice social distancing. Worship will continue to be offered on Zoom and YouTube, if you aren’t able to join us in person.


Gardening Angels needed

Gardening Angels!! If you want to officially adopt a garden bed this year please sign the poster in the Narthex. If you plant it please also plan to weed and water it!!


April Financial Update

Our Financial Secretary, Steve Smith, provides monthly reports to the Congregation Council – contents of which were previously made available through weekly bulletins, financial reports made available in the church hallway and hard copies of the Council Meeting minutes. In the absence of that opportunity for sharing, we will be posting information on the website. The spreadsheet below provides the actual financial information so far this year. Prior years’ information was available in the Annual Report that you would have received in January.

April 2021Year to Date
Total Contributions and Income for Budgeted Items $13,461$48,357
Actual Deficit($3,848)($24,302)
Transfer from Keeping God’s House $1,644$10,654
Adjusted Deficit($2,204)($13,647)

Total Contributions and Income for Budgeted Items during April were $4,288 less than the month of March.  On a positive note, contributions to “Keeping God’s House” were up, totaling $6,445 for the month of April. This fund can be used for facility improvements and has, over the last few years, been used to offset utility/maintenance expenses during the month. Expenditures in the month of April were down slightly from March, partially because of lower costs for snow removal and electricity but also because the natural gas expenses were paid out of the PPP loan and not from operating budgets.  This trend should continue for the next two months until the PPP loan is depleted.  Please note that in this chart of the church financials, “Operating Deficit” is meant to be the deficit before transferring money from Keeping God’s House to cover utility and other maintenance type expenses. “Recorded” deficit is the deficit after use of the Keeping God’s House fund for those specific expenses.  It is the strong hope of the Congregation Council that through the Stewardship Campaign and the return to in person worship, contributions will increase to reduce the continually increasing deficit.

Announcements COVID-19

Worship at the Gazebo returns May 9

We are excited to announce that Worship at the Gazebo will return for a second summer beginning Mother’s Day, May 9. Please join us at 10:30 for worship with Holy Communion!

There are three convenient ways to join us:

  1. Bring your favorite lawn chair or blanket and find a comfortable spot in the lawn. (We have folding chairs you can use, too.)
  2. Park in one of the spaces conveniently located by the gazebo and remain in your car.
  3. Catch us online, just as always.

In the event of inclement weather, we’ll announce on our website that services have been moved indoors. According to our current (revised) COVID-19 policy, those who have been fully vaccinated are able to join us in the sanctuary these Sundays. (This means that two weeks must have passed since your final dose of the vaccine. Please contact the church office to let us know your vaccination date[s].)

No matter whether we’re indoors or outdoors, we’ll continue to take precautions to keep everyone safe – please bring your mask and keep those respectful six feet of distance from others outside your immediate household.

We are excited to return to our beautiful gazebo this summer, and even more excited to worship and commune with you in person! If you are able to join us, we can’t wait to see you at the gazebo May 9.

And if the time isn’t right for you just yet, we completely understand – we’ll be sure to wave at the camera to let you know you matter to us, too.

We’ll see you online only this Sunday, May 2… and online or at the gazebo next Sunday, May 9!


April Financial Update

Our Financial Secretary, Steve Smith, provides monthly reports to the Congregation Council – contents of which were previously made available through weekly bulletins, hard copies of reports in the hallway stand in the church as well as hard copies of the Council Meeting minutes. In the absence of that opportunity for sharing, we will be posting information on the website. The spreadsheet below provides the actual financial information so far this year. Prior years’ information was available in the Annual Report that you would have received in January.

 Mar-21Year to Date
Total Contributions and
Income for Budgeted Items
 $17,749 $34,897
Expenses($18,880) $(55,350)
Actual Deficit($1,132)($20,453)
Transfer from Keeping God’s House $2,766 $ 9,010
Adjusted Deficit/Surplus$ 1,634($11,443)

Total Contributions and Income for Budgeted Items during March were improved as compared with the first two months of the year as well as with any individual month in 2020. We are hopeful that with the Stewardship Campaign and the continued focus on supporting Good Shepherd’s ministries, this favorable trend will continue. We continued to receive contributions “Keeping God’s House” as well. This fund can be used for facility improvements and has, over the last few years, been used to offset utility/maintenance expenses during the month. Expenditures in the month of March were fairly normal with higher expenses for snow removal and natural gas than will be anticipated with the onset of spring. In this chart, “Operating Deficit” is meant to be the deficit before transferring money from Keeping God’s House to cover utility and other maintenance type expenses. “Recorded” deficit is the deficit after use of the Keeping God’s House fund for those specific expenses.