
Financial News

Our Financial Secretary, Steve Smith, provides monthly reports to the Congregation Council – contents of which were previously made available through weekly bulletins and hard copies of the Council Meeting minutes. In the absence of that opportunity for sharing, we will be posting information on the website. The spreadsheet below provides the actual financial information so far this year. Prior years’ information was available in the Annual Report that you would have received in January.

2021 Financial UpdateJanuaryFebruaryYear-to-Date
Total Contributions and Income for Budgeted Items$4,670$12,478$17,148
Operating Deficit($13,436)($5,885)($19,321)
Transfer from Keeping God’s House$2,980$3,264$6,244
Recorded Deficit($10,456)($2,261)($13,077)

The contributions for January 2021 were down significantly from any other months in years’ past. There was an improvement in February, however it was noted that there were two “one time” donations that affected contributions that are not expected to be recurring. We are hopeful that with some things in the economy opening up and with the upcoming Stewardship Campaign, that regular giving will return to more normal levels and even improved for the balance of the year. Expenditures were fairly typical for winter months. It is worth noting that we continue to receive collections in “Keeping God’s House”. This fund can be used for facility improvements and has, over the last few years, been used to offset utility/maintenance expenses during the month. In this chart, “Operating Deficit” is meant to be the deficit before transferring money from Keeping God’s House to cover utility and other maintenance type expenses. “Recorded” deficit is the deficit after use of the Keeping God’s House fund for those specific expenses.