
Easter Sunday Worship News

Plans have changed…

Due to an upsurge in COVID-19 cases in our county since this plan was first posted, we have needed to revise our Easter plans. The information on this page is out of date. You can read the current announcement here.

We are pleased to announce that we are intending to hold Easter Sunday worship services in the sanctuary, safely and in person, on Sunday April 4th!  Worship services will be held at 9:00 am and 10:30 am to accommodate as many people as possible in a safe manner.

Pre-registration, face masks and social distancing are required.  Pews will be marked to ensure proper distancing.  Entrance to the sanctuary will be from the narthex and exit out the door near the library.  Windows on both sides will be open to provide safer air flow. 

Live-streaming of the worship service will be available on You Tube and via Zoom at 10:30 am and will be posted at

All who are fully COVID 19 vaccinated* will be able to attend and in addition, up to 25 other people who are not yet fully vaccinated will be able to attend each of the two services.  Everyone must pre-register!

If you want to attend in person on Easter Sunday, here’s what you will want to do.  Contact Donna Wenger in the church office either by phone or via email – no later than 3:00pm on Thursday, April 1, 2021.  You will need to provide information regarding the number of people in your party, the service time that you are interested in attending, and if you and/or others in your party have been fully vaccinated, you will need to provide information regarding your vaccination date(s).

We are delighted to be able to offer in person worship with Holy Communion on Easter Sunday.  We are also continuing to act with caution and care for our members and our community in establishing precautions to ensure safety for all.  As has been the case throughout the pandemic, the Congregation Council will continue to monitor the trends in Allegheny County and surrounding communities and if there is any change to this plan, we will let you know.

* Fully vaccinated – is defined as being 2 weeks after having received the \second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or 1 dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.


TGSLC Annual Meeting Highlights

Thanks to all who participated in our first ever Annual Congregation Meeting held on Zoom!  We were blessed to be able to conduct the business of the meeting with over 40 members participating either in person or on Zoom. 

A few highlights from the meeting were:

  • Approval of the 2021 Budget for Good Shepherd.
  • Election of two new members to the Congregation Council – Carrie Pugliano and Matt O’Donnell.
  • Election of two delegates for the 2021 Synod Assembly which will be held on Zoom in June.
  • Announcement of a Stewardship Campaign that will begin in the next few weeks.
  • Update from the Committees of the church on 2020 activities and plans for 2021.
  • Thanks were given for our church staff and the many members who do so much in the life of the church.

This will be a very important year for the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church as we continue to navigate church life during a pandemic, focusing on the needs of our members and our communities.  We will also continue to focus on the sale of portions of our property for long term viability of our ministries.  And in all things, we continue to thank God for the blessings that he has given to us as individuals and as a community of faith working together to love and serve as he has called us to do.

Announcements News

Annual Meeting of the Congregation

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 31, 2021 immediately following the worship service. You can join the 2021 Annual Meeting one of three ways: 1. online via Zoom (same Zoom link as the worship service); 2. In person at the Church (requires pre-registration) or 3. Dialing in by phone same dial in as Sunday morning worship service). If you are interested in attending in person, please contact the office no later than January 29th to reserve a spot. All in person participants will be required to wear masks and maintain social distancing. Members should have received a copy of the 2020 Annual Report in the mail. If you have not, and need one, please contact the church office.


In Person Coffee and Conversation on Sunday, August 30!

Please join us on Sunday, August 30th for an in person fellowship gathering immediately following the outdoor worship service (weather permitting). Bring your own beverage and join us on the lawn for some informal catching up with one another. Being God’s church includes the very important connection and fellowship that our congregation has always cherished. Hope to see you on Sunday!


Survey Says….

Thanks to all who responded to our recent survey on worship and fellowship.   We appreciate hearing about how Good Shepherd can better serve the needs and desires of our members- especially during these unusual times. As a result of the feedback, we will be hosting an in person, on the lawn, “coffee and conversation” on Sunday, August 30th immediately after worship.  Please bring your own beverage and join us! In addition, we will be opening the sanctuary for private meditation and prayer with scheduled hours on Tuesdays each week beginning September 8th. Watch the page for more details!