
Join us for “God’s Wonder Lab” VBS, July 9-13

VBS will be July 9th- 13th 2023! VBS will start on a Sunday this year! All are welcome to attend church before VBS starts. Then we will have our VBS kick off following church starting at noon till 3 PM. This specific time will only be for Sunday. We then will have VBS Monday through Thursday from 6 to 8 PM.

At God’s Wonder Lab VBS, your children look into the Bible, God’s holy word, and discover that Jesus does the impossible, giving us eternal life with him! Jesus shows that he is god with amazing miracles. And he shows us that he loves us by using his power to do marvelous things on our behalf!

We are so looking forward to seeing you at God’s wonder lab, where Jesus does the impossible!

Visit our VBS page to register and for all kinds of fun VBS resources!


Special meeting of the council called for

Council president Carrie Pugliano has called a special Council Meeting for Monday June 12th. 7:30 pm on Zoom. The sole item of business will be to appoint Leigh Pogue as a voting member for Synod Assembly.


Pastor Bob in Minnesota May 10-23

Pastor Bob will be in Minnesota for continuing education and vacation from May 10-23.

He will be attending the Festival of Homiletics, an annual “summer camp for preachers. During the Festival, [participants will] hear from outstanding preachers from diverse backgrounds, traditions, and ministry settings. [They’ll] participate in passionate worship, dive deep with preaching master classes, and fellowship with preaching colleagues from around the world.” You can view a free livestream of the Festival if you’re curious – visit for more information.

During Pastor Bob’s travels we have two guest worship leaders lined up for you.

If you need emergency pastoral care, you can contact Pastor Linda Theophilus from May 10-15 and Pastor Wayne Gillespie from May 16-23. Their phone numbers are published in the Sunday bulletin, or the church office or council members can put you in touch with them.


Are you ready for some baseball fun? ⚾

We are excited to invite you to join us for a special outing on Sunday June 11, 2023, at 1:35 pm. We will be cheering on the Pirates as they face the New York Mets at the beautiful PNC Park. ⚾

This is a great opportunity to enjoy some fellowship and family time with your church community. Plus, it’s Kids’ Day, which means there will be lots of activities and giveaways for the little ones. 🎁

We have reserved a lower-level block of seats so we can all cheer together. The tickets are only $31 each and include $10 for a hot dog, chips, a drink, or whatever concessions you like. 🌭

But hurry, because we have a limited number of tickets and they are going fast. If you want to join us, please fill out a registration form and return it with your payment to the church office or Laura Mauser by May 10th.

Don’t miss this chance to have a blast with your church family and support our hometown team. Go Pirates! 🏴‍☠️


Fun and faith come together in the annual Easter egg hunt

We had a wonderful time at our church’s annual Easter egg hunt last Sunday. It was a joy to see so many children and families participate in this fun and meaningful event – the Fellowship Hall was packed with over 200 people!

We want to thank everyone who helped make it possible: the volunteers who hid the eggs, the donors who provided the candy and prizes, the team who organized the activities, and of course, the parents and kids who joined us.

The Easter egg hunt is more than just a game. It is a way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again on the third day. The eggs symbolize the new life that we have in him. The candy and prizes remind us of the gifts that he gives us. The activities help us learn more about his love and grace.

We hope that you had a great time at the Easter egg hunt and that you felt the presence of God in your lives. We invite you to join us again for our regular Suday services and other events throughout the year. We are a family of faith that welcomes everyone with open arms. Thank you for being part of our church community. God bless you!


Prayer Vigil shifts are still available

We invite you to join us in our Holy Week prayer vigil, a time of reflection and devotion to prepare for Easter. Shifts are still available on Saturday and Sunday for those who wish to participate in this sacred experience. Please sign up online or contact the church office to reserve your spot. Thank you for your commitment and faithfulness!


It’s Holy Week – spend some time in worship and prayer

As we enter the most sacred time of the year, we nvite you to join our church family for Holy Week worship and the prayer vigil. Holy Week is the final week of Lent, when we remember the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On Palm Sunday, April 2, we celebrated Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem with a procession of palms.

On Maundy Thursday, April 6 at 7 pm, we will commemorate Jesus’ last supper with his disciples and his commandment to love one another with a service of Holy Communion.

On Good Friday, April 7 at 7 pm, we will meditate on Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross with a Tenebrae service of readings, prayers and hymns.

On Easter Sunday, April 9 at 10:30 am, we will rejoice in Jesus’ victory over sin and death with a festive service of praise and thanksgiving. All our services will be livestreamed on YouTube.

In addition to these worship services, we also invite you to participate in our prayer vigil from 8:00 pm on Good Friday to 10:00 am on Easter Sunday. During this time, we will keep a continuous prayer chain in our prayer chapel, praying for our church, our community and our world. You can sign up for a 60-minute slot online or by calling the church office. Shifts are available for much of Saturday afternoon through Sunday morning. This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your relationship with God and to intercede for others in need.

We hope you will join us for this meaningful journey through Holy Week. May God bless you and your loved ones as we prepare to celebrate the mystery of our salvation.


Pray with us this Holy Week

As we enter into the the holiest time of the church year, many of us are searching for ways to deepen our spiritual journey and connect more deeply with our faith. One such opportunity is the Holy Week prayer vigil, a time of quiet reflection and renewal held in our prayer chapel.

Introspective and moving.
A renewal for all.

Michele, past participant

Beginning after the Good Friday worship and running until Easter morning, the prayer vigil offers a sacred space for individuals and families to spend time in prayer and contemplation. Our attendants are present during nighttime shifts to ensure the comfort and security of all participants.

In the prayer chapel, a variety of prayer resources are available, including hymnals, devotionals, and other materials to help guide your spiritual journey. We also provide a private restroom and light refreshments for your convenience.

This is a time for quiet reflection and renewal, a time to step away from the busyness of life and connect more deeply with God. Whether you come alone or with a friend, the transformative power of prayer is waiting for you in our prayer chapel.

We invite you to sign up for a one-hour shift and experience the grace and beauty of this sacred space. Allow prayer to transform your heart and spirit during this holy season of Lent, and discover new strength and renewal for the journey ahead.

Join us for the Holy Week prayer vigil and find solace, peace, and grace in the transformative power of prayer.


Special council meeting called

The church council has called a special meeting of the council for Monday, March 13 at 8:00 p.m. on Zoom. The sole item of business will be to consider a proposal by Golden Triangle Construction of Pittsburgh to rent our eastern parking lot along Old William Penn Highway and the community garden terrace, as well as to place clean fill in designated sections of our property. Golden Triangle is managing a construction project on Business 22 this summer and next summer.


Lent and Easter 2023 schedule

We are pleased to announce our schedule for Lent and Easter:

40 Days of Lent

Ash Wednesday – February 22

11:30am – 1:30pmAshes to Go (Drive-In Style)
7:00pmWorship w/Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes

Every Week During Lent

Daily Prayer on YouTube
Daily Devotional from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Weekly devotional activities in your Lenten booklet

Palm Sunday – April 2

10:30amWorship w/Holy Communion

Maundy Thursday – April 6

7:00pmWorship w/Holy Communion

Good Friday – April 7

7:00pmGood Friday worship

Prayer Vigil – April 7-9

Learn more…


Easter Egg Hunt

Learn more…

Easter Sunday – April 9

10:30amFestive Worship w/Holy Communion