
Red up the church for Google

Did you know that Google maps can take you right inside many buildings? We’re inviting the Street View cameras into The Good Shepherd next month so that members and guests can take a virtual walk through our lovely building!

In order to get our halls and rooms ready for their moment in the spotlight, we could use a little help. Would you be willing to do some tidying (organizing and decluttering more than scrubbing and cleaning) between now and early October? We’ll be scheduling small shifts rather than having a big clean-up day, in order to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Call or email the office to let us know when you’re available.

We’ll let you know when our virtual building is live on Google Maps!


Looks like we got it wrong – we thought the photography crew would be free, but it actually costs about $600! It would be fun to do this, but there are other things we’d rather invest those funds in. You’re still welcome to help us red up the church, though! 😀


Rally Day this Sunday, 9/12

We are hosting a special event this coming Sunday, September 12th, immediately following the worship service. Rally Day has traditionally been our chance to come together as a congregation to welcome in the fall and to be the official kickoff of our Sunday School Program. 

Please join us following the 10:30 worship service for food, fun and fellowship! There will also be games for the kids. The event will be held outdoors, weather permitting. If the weather does not cooperate, the Rally Day celebration will be moved to Sunday, October 3rd.

Announcements COVID-19

Covid Status change

As of August 1, Allegheny County is once again in the Red (High Risk) category. In keeping with our Covid policy, all indoor events – including worship – are now restricted to those who have been fully vaccinated.

In order to welcome as many people to worship as possible, the council has decided to move our services outdoors to the Gazebo every Sunday at 10:30. Communion will be offered every week. Please bring chairs or a blanket, or worship from your car if that’s more comfortable for you.

In the event of inclement weather, we’ll move the service indoors. You can check our homepage Saturday night or Sunday morning to see the current plan. If you have not been fully vaccinated, we ask that you join us online if the weather is bad.

Masks and socially distancing continue to be required indoors regardless of vaccination status.

Worship will continue to be livestreamed every Sunday. It’s easy to join us online!

We understand the frequently changing plans can be frustrating. Just a month ago we were green, but the Delta variant is spreading more quickly in our county at the moment than in 95% of all counties. (Allegheny County currently has the 152nd highest infection rate out of 3224 counties in the US.) Thanks for continuing to be flexible as we do our best to keep the congregation and our community safe and healthy!

And if you haven’t done so yet, please get the vaccination if you’re able to! It’s free, it’s safe, it’s easy, and it could save your life – or the life of someone you love. If you’re not sure yet, now’s the time to ask your doctor for their advice – they’re in the best position to help you evaluate what’s right for your health.


Congratulations, Confirmands!

Congratulations to our newest confirmed members, Nicholas, Kaeden and Owen! We’re proud of you!


Notice of additional special council meeting

The church council will hold a second special meeting on Zoom, Monday, August 2 at 8:15 pm to discuss a request to use the church as a polling location. Any congregation member wishing to attend is invited to contact the pastor or another council member for the meeting link.Following the special meeting, the council will hold it’s customary Monday night check-in.


Hop, Skip or Jump your way to VBS!

We had a great time last week at Hop, Skip and Jump VBS! We’ll gather each Wednesday until August 11 – there’s still so much more to experience!

Please remember our VBS leaders and volunteers as well as all of the children and their families in your prayers the next three weeks. And why not stop by the church Wednesday evenings between 6:00 and 8:00 and see how much fun it can be to learn about Jesus in our beautiful yard? Registration is open, in case there are young people in your life who’d like to attend – 100% free of charge.


Confirmation Sunday at the Gazebo

Please plan to join us this Sunday, August 1 at the Gazebo for Confirmation Sunday! We are delighted to have three young men who will affirm their faith in Jesus:

  • Kaeden Corbin
  • Owen Corbin
  • Nicholas Turowski

A reception will be held following the worship service to honor them, as well as our graduates from the Class of 2021.


Congratulations, Class of 2021!

On July 25 and August 1, The Good Shepherd is proud to honor our two graduates from the Class of 2021 – Nathan Mauser and Alex Turowski. Congratulations, Nathan and Alex! We can’t wait to see the great things God accomplishes through you next!


Notice of Special Council Meeting

The church council will hold a special meeting on Zoom, Monday, August 2 at 8:00 pm to discuss a proposal for applying some of our food shelf grant money to support a synod program of food assistance. Any congregation member wishing to attend is invited to contact the pastor or another council member for the meeting link.

Following the special meeting, the council will hold it’s customary Monday night check-in.


VBS begins this week!

Be sure to register for VBS. We can’t wait to see you the next four Wednesdays from 6-8 pm!