
Annual Meeting – January 30

Please plan to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Our meeting will be held following worship on Sunday, January 30.

A copy of the Annual Report was mailed to all eligible voting members last week. In this report you’ll find updates on our many ministries as well as our proposed budget for 2021. Please take some time to review the report in advance.

While everyone is welcome to share your thoughts and ideas at any of our meetings, only voting members are eligible to cast a vote or run for office. To be a voting member you must:

  • Be a confirmed member of The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
  • Have made a financial contribution to the congregation in 2022 or 2021
  • Have received communion in 2022 or 2021.

If you’re not sure if you meet the requirements, check with us in the office and we’ll help you out.

The meeting will again be held in person and on Zoom. If you are attending online, please simply attend worship using Zoom, and then stay for the meeting – you won’t need to do anything more to participate. (You can also phone in – visit our website or call the church office for instructions.) We will also be opening the sanctuary for fully vaccinated members to attend worship and the annual meeting. Social distancing will be required. Please contact the church office to register in advance if you will be joining us in person.

Finally, please pay special attention to the report from the council entitled “Beyond the Centennial Plan.” This will provide you with an important update on the council’s work in the two years since we adopted the Centennial Plan. It names the challenges we’ve faced and outlines a number of unexpected opportunities that God has opened up for us. We will devote a significant portion of the annual meeting to your thoughts and hopes and questions about this report.

Thank you for your partnership in the work of Jesus here in Monroeville! We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting on January 30!


Make it a Souper day

February 13 is Super Bowl Sunday. Wouldn’t it be Souper to get a donation for the food pantry by that day?  We are looking for cans of soup, chili, stew and canned meats specifically, but all donations are welcome and appreciated.


Seeking Candidates for Congregation Council

As Christians and fellow members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, we are called to live out God’s plan for the church, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to all and to love and serve our neighbors.  That calling includes the many opportunities within the church to share your good gifts.  For the Good Shepherd, we currently are seeking additional people to join the Congregation Council.  The Council members serve as your voice and hands in the leadership of the church’s ministries.  This is a very important time for the Good Shepherd, with many opportunities to hear God’s call for us in the community and to lead our congregation into the future.  Please prayerfully and thoughtfully consider whether you are called to be part of the Congregation Council.  Seats on Council are generally for 3-year terms.  The commitment includes participation in a monthly Council meeting as well as a brief Council check-in meeting each week.  In addition, Council members are encouraged to be involved in at least one committee.  If you are interested, please contact Pastor Bob or any member of Council.  Nominations are being accepted and will be presented on January 30th at the Annual Congregational Meeting.

Announcements COVID-19

Services move to online only

Covid is once again surging in Allegheny County. Case numbers have reached new highs this week with the Delta-Omicron one-two punch. With the increased spread, our risk status has been upgraded to “Severe” – the highest category – by Covid Act Now, our primary source of pandemic data.

In keeping with our Covid policy, all in-person events and services at The Good Shepherd have been cancelled. We will continue to hold services online every Sunday at 10:30, and look forward to worshiping with you via Zoom or YouTube!

We look forward to returning to in-person gatherings as soon as our risk level drops back down to Red. Keep an eye on this website for the most current updates.


Christmas 2021 – In Person or Online!

Join us in person or online this Christmas! Visit for all the most current information. Here are the essentials:

Service Times

We’re offering three identical services this year so that we can gather in person safely. We’re limiting each service to 25% of the sanctuary’s capacity. Please request your seats in advance using our online form or by calling the church office – we can’t guarantee that there will be walk-in seats available this year!

Candlelight Holy Communion

  • 4:30 pm on December 24
  • 7:30 pm on December 24
  • 10:00 pm on December 24

All three services will be livestreamed.

Covid-19 Precautions

We are taking great care to make Christmas a safe and joyful experience as we gather in person this year:

  • Masks are required for all worshipers.
  • Limited seating allows for social distancing.
  • Windows will be cracked to increase air exchange.
  • Filters have been deployed to clear the air.
  • Communion will be in the pews with pre-packaged elements.
  • LED candles will be provided (so we don’t blow all over each other to put them out).
  • The service will be kept to under an hour to reduce possible exposure.

Are you eligible to vote at our Annual Meeting?

Our Annual Meeting is coming up fast, and we’ve got lots of exciting and important business – more on that soon. For now, please make sure you’re eligible to vote if you would like to do so.

Our constitution specifies that voting members:

  1. Are confirmed.
  2. Have made a financial contribution on record in the current or previous calendar year.
  3. Have communed (including a communion visit) in the current or previous calendar year.

If you need to make any arrangements or have questions about the voting requirements, please give us a call.


Wash Your Car – Build a House!

This Christmas, give yourself or your loved ones the gift of a clean car – and help The Good Shepherd build a house for a family in need!

Now through January 31, buy a Rocket Exterior wash voucher through our fundraising site for just $10 – it’s the best in town, and normally it sells for $23.99! Even better, you can upgrade your wash to one of the full service interior/exterior packages by paying the difference at the store – as little a dollar more for a clean car, inside and out. Just look at the shine on the pastor’s car!

Best of all, for each car wash we sell, we’ll receive $6 toward our housebuilding project with Food for the Poor!

Your vouchers are purchased online like a mobile order from a restaurant, and will be delivered to use on your smartphone. If that’s outside of your comfort zone, you can order paper vouchers through the church office – they’ll be available at the end of the promotion.

Wash vouchers are valid for one year, so get enough so that no matter what else 2022 may bring, you know you’ll be driving a clean car!

Please let your family, friends and neighbors know about this fundraiser – our goal is to raise $1500 by selling 250 washes.

Rocket Carwash (formerly Auto Bathouse) is located at 145 Wyngate Dr. in Monroeville.


Deck the Halls!


As part of our Good Shepherd holiday tradition, we will again be hosting a “Deck the Halls” event to adorn the sanctuary in preparation for Christmas!  The event will be held on Sunday, December 19th immediately following the Worship Service.  Lunch will also be provided.  Please join us as we celebrate the joy of this Advent and Christmas season, beautifying the church and spending time in fellowship together.  A sign up sheet will be available in the narthex. Or contact the church office to sign up. Hope to see you there!


2022 offering envelopes are available

Your offering envelopes for 2022 are now available in the narthex. Please pick them up any Sunday, or call the church office to arrange a good time. Each box of envelopes costs us about $5 to mail out if it’s not picked up – help us put that money to ministry instead of mailing!


It’s time to register for our Confirmation ministry

Our Confirmation ministry is open to all students who are in the seventh grade or older. We’ll be starting a new round of classes soon – use this quick and easy online registration form to get your student signed up!