
Stay in touch!

Help us to keep you in the loop – check in with the church office to verify your current contact information. We’d like to know:

  • The members of your household
  • Your phone numbers (including mobile, if that’s OK)
  • Your mailing address
  • Your email addresses

You can reach us at 412-372-2934 or by filling out the form below:


Worship Opportunities Abound

Lost track of the ways to worship at The Good Shepherd this spring? Here’s a quick rundown:

Sunday Mornings

As of late February, we aren’t yet holding services in person. (Visit our COVID-19 Information Center at for the current status.)

  • Join our service interactively using the Zoom app on your Mac, PC or smartphone. It’s as easy as clicking the link on our Worship page.
  • You can phone in from your any telephone by calling 1-929-436-2866. Enter the code 266 831 067 when you’re prompted. Long distance rates may apply.
  • You can watch the service live or any time later on our YouTube channel.

Wednesdays in Lent

We’re offering a joint Zoom service with Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Eastmont each Wednesday in Lent. Use the instructions above to join by phone or using the Zoom app. (You can watch the video on YouTube if you prefer, but you won’t be able to participate in the discussion and fellowship time that way.)

Holy Week and Easter

COVID-19 cases are still higher now than they were at the peak of last summer’s initial outbreak – but they are trending in the right direction. We are hopeful that if the trends continue it might be possible to hold some form of in-person services during Holy Week and Easter, but it is too early to tell.

Based on the extremely positive feedback we’ve received about our Christmas Eve service, we’re confident that we’ll be able to make these important services powerful and meaningful no matter whether they’re in-person, online only or available both ways.

Keep an eye on our website for news. We’ll also use mailings, phone notifications and email to keep you in the loop.

Every Day

Our nationally-recognized devotional program Daily Prayer is available on YouTube and your favorite podcasting app. Join us each day for 10-15 minutes of scripture, prayer and encouragement in the midst of a chaotic world.


Inspiring conversations brought to you by Thrivent

The Thrivent Member Network is pleased to introduce our OnDemand Series. Throughout the year, the Thrivent Member Network will provide a variety of online events for you to enjoy at your convenience.

Click here to view the first of Thrivent Member Network’s OnDemand Series featuring inspiring conversations with Misty Copeland, Dr. Mae Jemison and Chris Gardner. These on OnDemand Interviews are available through Sunday, February 28.

No products will be sold at these events, and you don’t need to be a Thrivent member to participate – share this invitation with anyone you think would enjoy the programs!


Take the Synod’s Lent Hunger Challenge

Our SWPA Synod Hunger Elimination and Advocacy Team is challenging you during Lent this year to think more about how we are taking care of “the least of these” by specifically focusing on the problem of hunger, how we contribute to it, and how we help to fight it.

This is a Lenten discipline to take up which includes elements of the traditional Lenten disciplines: fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. Use these forty days to walk more closely with Jesus as we walk with our hungry neighbors.


It’s easy to support our ministry

Supporting the work of The Good Shepherd is easy to do, no matter how you prefer to give.

God’s called us to important work in Monroeville and the surrounding community. We provide food to hungry neighbors. We support our local men’s shelter with clothing, food donations and in-person service. We provide a home to many community support groups and other organizations. And we witness to our faith in big and small ways every day so that Jesus is made known in us.

You’re a part of that work. Now, more than ever, your contributions empower The Good Shepherd to do this ministry.

Visit our Donations page to learn how you can make a one-time gift… or choose a recurring contribution, if set it and forget it is the way you roll.

Thank you for your partnership!


Inspiration on Demand – We’re on YouTube

Have you visited The Good Shepherd’s channel on YouTube? We’ve got a growing collection of videos to inspire you, with more added every week.

Here’s just some of what you’ll find:

  • Sunday morning’s worship service – and an archive of our previous services, too.
  • A library of more than three dozen hymns, solos, virtual choir anthems, bell performances and other musical selections.
  • Hundreds of episodes of Daily Prayer, our nationally recognized daily devotional.
  • And more!

Be inspired!

While you’re there, be sure to click on the “Subscribe” button and the 🔔 icon to be notified every time we post a new video.


Midweek Worship during Lent

Throughout the season of Lent, The Good Shepherd will be holding joint midweek worship services on Zoom with our friends at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Eastmont.

Wednesdays @ 7 pm

Join us for a special Lenten presentation of Daily Prayer, cohosted by Pastor Linda Theophilus and featuring a familiar sung version of Psalm 141 from the LBW Evening Prayer service. Hang around after the episode of Daily Prayer for a thought-provoking conversation about the daily readings, and a time of fellowship with our friends and neighbors.

It’s easy to join us – just use the normal Sunday Zoom link and phone number, or click below.

Wednesdays in Lent, February 24 – March 24, 2021.


Get Your Ashes to Go

Wednesday, February 17 is Ash Wednesday. We are offering a safe, socially-distanced drive-thru distribution of the ashes to help you mark the beginning of Lent.

Ashes to Go will be offered from 12:00 – 1:00 pm in the church parking lot:

  • As you enter, stay to the left and turn around in our circle – you’ll approach with your driver’s side window toward the building. It’ll feel like you’re driving on the wrong side, but you’re not.
  • For your safety and the pastor’s, masks are required for all occupants of the vehicle. If you’re unmasked the pastor will offer you a blessing from a distance, but you will not be able to receive ashes.
  • Ashes will be imposed with a single-use cotton swab, one per person.

Medical Equipment Pick-Up Scheduled

On Monday, February 8, a pick-up of medical equipment which has been donated to The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church has been scheduled with The Brother’s Brother Foundation. This equipment includes wheel chairs, walkers, canes and adult diapers. These donations “provide our partners with goods that help many projects in developing countries” Brother’s Brother states. This will be the second donation in a few years collected here at Good Shepherd. If you have medical equipment in good condition or unopened supplies that you would like to donate, please call the church office at 412-372-2934. Donations must be made by Thursday, February 4, 2021.


Attend the Annual Meeting this Sunday, January 31

It’s easy to attend the annual meeting. Be sure to also come early at 10:30 for worship before the meeting – you can use any of the three ways to attend both worship and the meeting:

Online Using Zoom

Use our normal Sunday morning Zoom instructions. (Please note that the annual meeting will not be livestreamed on YouTube.)

In Person at the Church

We will set up stations around the church building where small groups can participate in the Zoom meeting together. Each station will have a facilitator to run the technology and assist in voting and speaking. No technological skills are required for you to participate. These pods will follow all appropriate COVID-19 guidelines, including the use of masks. Please RSVP with the church office by January 29 if you plan to attend in person.

Dialing in by Phone

Use our normal Sunday morning dial-in instructions:

  1. Dial 1-929-436-2866 (long distance rates may apply)
  2. When asked, use the buttons on your phone to enter our Meeting ID. It is 266 831 067. Push the # key to continue.

Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we experience a new way of being Church together. We look forward to meeting with you after worship on Sunday, January 31!