
Souper Sunday

Join us for a special celebration of food and fellowship on Sunday, February 9th immediately following worship. We will break bread, slurp soup and dive into dessert while collecting canned goods and other donations for those in need. We hope to have a “souper” good time and share our gifts with others! All are welcome! The lunch will be provided by our Sunday School families and the Education Committee – so just come and enjoy! Please sign up on the posting in the narthex or contact the church office.


Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball Game

Please join us on Sunday August 25, at 1:35 pm to watch the Pirates take on the Cincinnati Reds at PNC Park. It’s also Kid’s Day! A block of seats has been reserved in the lower level, section 103 (under cover). Tickets are $31 each, which includes $10 for concessions. If interested, turn in the form and money by July 15th to the church office or Laura Mauser. We will try to arrange carpooling again this year.


VBS 2024

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, is sponsoring Celebrate the Savior, a Vacation Bible School program, July 8th-12th, 6 pm-8 pm Monday-Thursday and 6 pm-8:30 pm Friday.

At Celebrate the Savior, children look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and discover that Jesus gives us the joy of Eternal life with him! Our loving God has given us so much to celebrate- family, friends, food, and especially forgiveness through faith in Jesus, our Savior. As kids explore five key events in the life of Jesus, they will discover how the love of Jesus fills us with joy.


A Celebration of Women

Join us for a luncheon to celebrate all women! Saturday, May 4, 11am to 2 pm. 

You will enjoy a catered lunch, entertainment and raffle prizes! Invite grandma, your favorite aunt or a best friend! Tickets are available now, $15 for adults and $7 for a child 10 and under. Last day to register is April 28!

We will be collecting items to make “hygiene packs” for women and girls who lack these supplies. Assembly of these kits will take place in September. A list of items needed will be provided with ticket purchase. Cash donations are always accepted so that we can buy in bulk.

Please contact Mary Duggan at or Donna Wenger at . Please make checks payable to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and write “Women’s luncheon on the memo line.


Ring Pittsburgh Concert

Friday, May 3, 7:30 pm, Christ Lutheran Church, 5330 Old Logan Ferry Rd., Murrysville, PA 15668. Enjoy a great evening of music presented by a premier local bell choir. Be sure to plan to stay for a time of fellowship in the Social Hall following the concert.


Service Committee Notes

Thank you to everyone who donated items for our Harvest Sunday. We were able to donate about 10 bags of non-perishable food items to the Crossroads Food Pantry and the Garden City Food Pantry.

If you find yourself in need of food, contact Garden City Food Pantry (412-373-0391) or Cross Roads Food Pantry (412-372-2311).

The Angel Tree has been set up in the narthex. Names are available! Please sign for the angel you have selected. Please return wrapped and labeled gift/s to the church on or before December 10. (Name and angel # should be on each gift.) If you would like to help but are not able to shop, we will accept monetary donations, cash or checks payable to Good Shepherd with Angel Tree Gifts written in the memo. Harry M. will deliver the gifts the week of December 10.

We are now collecting items for our homebound members. There are six members on our list this year. We appreciate any donations such as tissues, travel size lotion, hand sanitizer, pudding, fruit, and jello cups, individually wrapped breakfast bars, snack cakes and cookies, and activity books such as word searches, crossword puzzles or coloring books. A collection box is in the narthex. Donations will be accepted through December 17. Our goal is to have the gifts delivered before Christmas!

We will also accept and appreciate holiday or greeting card donations. We include a card from the church at Christmas and Easter and also send cards out during the year.

Deck the Halls is scheduled for Sunday, December 17 from 12 pm to 1:30 pm. A light luncheon will be served if there is enough interest. Please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex or call the church office if you are interested in staying for lunch.

Thank you again for your participation in all of our missions this year!


Are you ready for some baseball fun? ⚾

We are excited to invite you to join us for a special outing on Sunday June 11, 2023, at 1:35 pm. We will be cheering on the Pirates as they face the New York Mets at the beautiful PNC Park. ⚾

This is a great opportunity to enjoy some fellowship and family time with your church community. Plus, it’s Kids’ Day, which means there will be lots of activities and giveaways for the little ones. 🎁

We have reserved a lower-level block of seats so we can all cheer together. The tickets are only $31 each and include $10 for a hot dog, chips, a drink, or whatever concessions you like. 🌭

But hurry, because we have a limited number of tickets and they are going fast. If you want to join us, please fill out a registration form and return it with your payment to the church office or Laura Mauser by May 10th.

Don’t miss this chance to have a blast with your church family and support our hometown team. Go Pirates! 🏴‍☠️


Fun and faith come together in the annual Easter egg hunt

We had a wonderful time at our church’s annual Easter egg hunt last Sunday. It was a joy to see so many children and families participate in this fun and meaningful event – the Fellowship Hall was packed with over 200 people!

We want to thank everyone who helped make it possible: the volunteers who hid the eggs, the donors who provided the candy and prizes, the team who organized the activities, and of course, the parents and kids who joined us.

The Easter egg hunt is more than just a game. It is a way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again on the third day. The eggs symbolize the new life that we have in him. The candy and prizes remind us of the gifts that he gives us. The activities help us learn more about his love and grace.

We hope that you had a great time at the Easter egg hunt and that you felt the presence of God in your lives. We invite you to join us again for our regular Suday services and other events throughout the year. We are a family of faith that welcomes everyone with open arms. Thank you for being part of our church community. God bless you!


Pray with us this Holy Week

As we enter into the the holiest time of the church year, many of us are searching for ways to deepen our spiritual journey and connect more deeply with our faith. One such opportunity is the Holy Week prayer vigil, a time of quiet reflection and renewal held in our prayer chapel.

Introspective and moving.
A renewal for all.

Michele, past participant

Beginning after the Good Friday worship and running until Easter morning, the prayer vigil offers a sacred space for individuals and families to spend time in prayer and contemplation. Our attendants are present during nighttime shifts to ensure the comfort and security of all participants.

In the prayer chapel, a variety of prayer resources are available, including hymnals, devotionals, and other materials to help guide your spiritual journey. We also provide a private restroom and light refreshments for your convenience.

This is a time for quiet reflection and renewal, a time to step away from the busyness of life and connect more deeply with God. Whether you come alone or with a friend, the transformative power of prayer is waiting for you in our prayer chapel.

We invite you to sign up for a one-hour shift and experience the grace and beauty of this sacred space. Allow prayer to transform your heart and spirit during this holy season of Lent, and discover new strength and renewal for the journey ahead.

Join us for the Holy Week prayer vigil and find solace, peace, and grace in the transformative power of prayer.


Upcoming Youth and Family Events

Here are several upcoming events for youth and their families. You can check our Calendar of Events at any time for all the goings-on at church!

  • February 5th   –  Pre-k thru 5th Grade Sunday School – immediately following worship
  • February 12th –  Middle/High School Sunday School – Time TBD
  • February 19th –  Pre-k thru 5th Grade Sunday School/Pretzel Sunday – immediately following worship