
2nd Annual Food Truck and Basket Raffle

Please join us Saturday, July 30 from 11:00-4:00 for our Second Annual Food Truck and Basket Raffle! We are once again raising funds to build a house for a family in need, through Food for the Poor.

Vendors will be announced at a later date, but we promise there’ll be good eats!

We are now accepting basket donations. Baskets should have a value of at least $35-50. Please let the church office know if you’ll be putting one together.

Please spread the word and help us make this event a great success again this year!


2022-23 Confirmation Schedule


Join us for worship this Holy Week!

We invite you to join us online or in person as we enter the holy mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection for the sake of the world.

Maundy Thursday, April 14 at 7:00 pm. This service of Holy Communion recalls Jesus last meal with his friends, his washing of their feet, and his commandment (“mandatum” ➡️ mandate ➡️ Maundy) that his followers must show their love for one another by imitating Jesus’ own acts of humble, loving service. The worship concludes with the stripping of the altar – a solemn removal of all decorations and ornamentation, leaving the worship space harsh and exposed as Jesus’ story moves rapidly toward the nakedness of the cross.

Good Friday, April 15 at 7:00 pm. The great “Three Days” continue as we mark the trial, crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus. It is an awful, terrific, tremendous day in the truest sense – a day that inspires awe, terror and trembling at the power of God laid bare in the frailty of a dying human body. But we call the day “Good,” because the power at work that day was for our sake and the sake of the world. With this in mind, our service emphasizes prayer for all the wounded creation Jesus died to make new. The central image is of the dead wood of the cross in actuality being the blossoming Tree of Life, in which was hung the salvation of the world.

Easter Sunday, April 17 at 10:30 am. Just as Jesus shared in our death on Good Friday, on Easter Sunday we rejoice that he has risen so that we might share in his eternal life! The bleak emptiness of the sanctuary erupts into a glory of petals, the cross bursts forth in blooms, and the Church’s song of “Alleluia!” (“Hallelujah!” ➡️ “Praise the Lord!) returns with vigor to our worship after forty days’ absence. Musical celebrations and Holy Communion complete the air of victory and joy.

Masks and social distancing will be required at all services. We will be utilizing windows and air filters to maximize airflow in the worship space. Vaccinations (and boosters) are highly encouraged, though not required. If you are not feeling well, we invite you to join us online rather than in person.


Evening Prayer for Lent 2022

You can join us in person or YouTube every Wednesday night during Lent for Evening Prayer. If you’re joining via YouTube, you can follow along with this order of service:


Lent and Easter 2022 schedule

Please join us this Lent and Easter as we walk with Christ to the cross … and beyond the grave!

Lent Schedule

Ash Wednesday

March 2

12:00-1:00 pm | Ashes to Go (drive-in style)

7:00 pm | Worship with Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes

Wednesdays in Lent

March 9, 16, 23, 30
April 6

7:00 pm | Evening Prayer

Palm Sunday

April 10

10:30 am | Worship with Holy Communion

Maundy Thursday

April 14

7:00 pm | Worship with Holy Communion

Good Friday

April 15

7:00 pm | Good Friday Worship

Easter Schedule

Easter Sunday

April 17

10:30 am | Worship with Holy Communion


Ash Wednesday is March 2, 2022

Please join us as we begin the season of Lent, marked with the cross of Christ in ash:

Ashes to Go

We’ll offer ashes to go in the front parking lot from 12:00-1:00. Please keep to the left and follow the signs. We ask that you wear as mask, since imposing the ashes brings us into closer contact than normal.

Ash Wednesday worship

We’ll offer a service of Holy Communion with the imposition of ashes Wednesday evening at 7:00. You can join us in person or online – but you’ll have to find your own substitute for the ashes at home!

Announcements COVID-19

In-Person worship will resume this week

As covid levels have fallen, Allegheny County’s risk status has been downgraded to “Very High.” That means we’re able to return to in-person events and worship effective immediately. Masks and distancing will still be required while in the building. Vaccination are strongly encouraged but not required. Our livestream will continue to be offered every week on Zoom and YouTube. See you on Sunday!


Annual Meeting – January 30

Please plan to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Our meeting will be held following worship on Sunday, January 30.

A copy of the Annual Report was mailed to all eligible voting members last week. In this report you’ll find updates on our many ministries as well as our proposed budget for 2021. Please take some time to review the report in advance.

While everyone is welcome to share your thoughts and ideas at any of our meetings, only voting members are eligible to cast a vote or run for office. To be a voting member you must:

  • Be a confirmed member of The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
  • Have made a financial contribution to the congregation in 2022 or 2021
  • Have received communion in 2022 or 2021.

If you’re not sure if you meet the requirements, check with us in the office and we’ll help you out.

The meeting will again be held in person and on Zoom. If you are attending online, please simply attend worship using Zoom, and then stay for the meeting – you won’t need to do anything more to participate. (You can also phone in – visit our website or call the church office for instructions.) We will also be opening the sanctuary for fully vaccinated members to attend worship and the annual meeting. Social distancing will be required. Please contact the church office to register in advance if you will be joining us in person.

Finally, please pay special attention to the report from the council entitled “Beyond the Centennial Plan.” This will provide you with an important update on the council’s work in the two years since we adopted the Centennial Plan. It names the challenges we’ve faced and outlines a number of unexpected opportunities that God has opened up for us. We will devote a significant portion of the annual meeting to your thoughts and hopes and questions about this report.

Thank you for your partnership in the work of Jesus here in Monroeville! We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting on January 30!


Make it a Souper day

February 13 is Super Bowl Sunday. Wouldn’t it be Souper to get a donation for the food pantry by that day?  We are looking for cans of soup, chili, stew and canned meats specifically, but all donations are welcome and appreciated.

Announcements COVID-19

Services move to online only

Covid is once again surging in Allegheny County. Case numbers have reached new highs this week with the Delta-Omicron one-two punch. With the increased spread, our risk status has been upgraded to “Severe” – the highest category – by Covid Act Now, our primary source of pandemic data.

In keeping with our Covid policy, all in-person events and services at The Good Shepherd have been cancelled. We will continue to hold services online every Sunday at 10:30, and look forward to worshiping with you via Zoom or YouTube!

We look forward to returning to in-person gatherings as soon as our risk level drops back down to Red. Keep an eye on this website for the most current updates.